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Amiel的《Lovesong》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-18 01:20



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 13:53

专辑:Audio Out

Amiel Lovesong
Its one thing to ask why we break up
Have you ever
Wondered why it is we fall in love
Can you tell me
Do you know what it is you're looking for
What do we need
Can you tell me why I care
How is it that we heed
That voice that says i want you there
Thanks you've been fuel the thought
Now im more lonely than before
But thats okay i've just ready-made another *ing love song
Thanks you've been fuel the thought
Now im more lonely than before
But thats okay i've just ready-made another *ing love song
In a single moment you might be perfect
And sit
In a window of my life
But how much how much more you yearn see
What would i strive to hide
Now there will be no compromise
So take it in your stride
I will leave you now with a smile
Thanks you've been fuel the thought
Now im more lonely than before
But thats okay i've just ready-made another *ing love song
And thanks you've been fuel the thought
Now im more lonely than before
But thats okay i've just ready-made another *ing love song
Look into my eyes
Our's is no love sacrifice
For it has helped us to grow
And im sorry i know just how far i have to go alone
Thanks you've been fuel the thought
Now im more lonely than before
But thats okay i've just ready-made another *ing love song
And thanks you've been fuel the thought
Now im more lonely than before
But thats okay i've just ready-made another *ing love song
I've just ready-made another love song
Just ready-made another love song

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