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关于葬礼的英文歌 求推荐

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-18 19:41



热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 07:25

忏魂曲Sniffing the fragrance of blood, I found the soul of the palace security
  The specter of a run-down loose sight singing
  Rosemary blooming meandering growth of the black vine
  Soul looked faith Bloody Moonlight
  Sniffing the fragrance of blood, I found the soul of the palace security
  Long-haired vampire queen opened the st-laden window
  Dry branches, according to shadow her face as pure as girls
  Her voice is hidden bitterness, together with the souls of the deceased Cast
  Beloved people, ah, do you still remember me look like
  I am demeaning manner you have been sad night
  Sniffing the fragrance of blood, I found the soul of the palace security
  Distance lying hidden in the side of the statue of Brokeback
  That was the goddess of the fantasy with the middle finger to indicate direction
  Small red flowers in her side, it was heaven
  In front of a murmuring stream flowing into the abyss
  The same river water for irrigation bloodthirsty blood thirst
  It was the queen's soup plate of soup in full bloom metamorphic
  She would cut off the neck and asked if it had spent sadness
  Distant lover ah remember that I look like
  I have bleeding when you have been sad
  Sniffing the fragrance of blood, I found the soul of the palace security
  On bright days and I can only see the moon rise and fall of
  She has taught people inlge the taste of blood red and silver of the rich fragrance
  Queen whispered singing broken neck lying at her feet in flowers
  They like the cold and dark place to hide in the abyss of dried tree next to the
  Every night of silence to listen to the sound of blood hidden in the ground
  They like weird songs of the chanting and the Deathly Hallows, like
  Sang Shexiang revenge or despair Liaoluo
  Distant lover ah Do you remember that I look like
  When I look down when the funeral of my reasons for not hit your eye
  Sniffing the fragrance of blood, I found the soul of the palace security
  Where the flower is a quiet appearance in the growth of
  If there is no moonlight How could such a cool quiet
  Dissemination of rotting dilapidated grass fragrance
  Beauty secrets of the wizard in the palace, wander
  They also miss who brought memories of grief
  Man lush vine winding hidden desire for revenge
  Waiting for the day of the arrival of the soup taste like the taste of blood
  Favorite people, ah, do you also like me
  We have been waiting for the arrival of love buried together
  Sniffing the fragrance of blood, I found the soul of the palace security
  Life wanton growth Lookout endless grief
  Flowers bow Singing Singing die advocate
  Samantha Chu China has recalled a certain place in the bloom
  Junior backs away embedded in the tearful eyes
  No one blessing of love will not die
  Some chose to cowardly decision was a strong
  Melancholy blue river can wash in the past
  Can someone stick to the agreed time immemorial never forget
  Weak half-hearted excuses and arbitrary killing of a beautiful flower
  That beauty is waiting to become shriveled and turned into hate turned into a bloody wound desire
  I would like to find him whether or not he has changed appearance
  I will remember his eyes had been so Refreshing
  I will remember his oath had been so loud
  I will remember his betrayal was so let me leave panic
  He has left the cold again with my palm gently
  He will be very happy because there is no blocking of my
  I am back where I belong
  Because love me once again abandoned his wandering alone in the dark
  The poor, like the Queen and her flowers
  The final choice to drink it alone, like a soup of blood
  Dear people, ah, whether you're aiming for
  Please remember you ever accidentally beautiful bride
  Of love into the grave of the moment has come to mean dead.
  All the anger, sorrow and are living self-sentimental.
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