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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-12 07:04



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 05:28


Baoji, Chencang Originally known in the central and western Shaanxi customs, located in Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, and Sichuan provinces (regions) with the Department, in Xian, Lanzhou, Yinchuan, the capital of four Cheng (capital) city centre location, Longhai, Po 10%-in this intersection of the railway, the Eurasian Continental Bridge in China is the third major cross hub. County jurisdiction nine regions, and municipalities domain area 18,200 square kilometers, the total population of 3.76 million, of which the urban population 750,000, is located in East Drive Baoji 106 ° 18 '~ 108 ° 03' north latitude and 33 ° 35 'to 35 ° 06' . Things 156.6 km long, north-south width 160.6 kilometers. Xianyang City east, south Hanzhong City, West, the Northwest with Tianshui City, Gansu Province Pingliang City and adjacent to the city's total area of 18,172 square kilometers, of which the urban area of 555 square kilometers, and built area of 60.44 square kilometers.

Baoji geological structure is complicated, East, West, South, North, the difference in the landscape, with the South, West, North surrounded on three sides by mountains, the central axis of the Weihe River to expand eastward, with the characteristics of channel opening corner. Hill, Sichuan, both indigenous to the mountains and hills mainly mountainous area 56% of the total, hilly area of 26.5% of the total; of the total area of Sichuan 17.5, showing "Six Mountains and one-third of the water" setup.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 05:28



Baoji, Chencang Originally known in the central and western Shaanxi customs, located in Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, and Sichuan provinces (regions) with the Department, in Xian, Lanzhou, Yinchuan, the capital of four Cheng (capital) city centre location, Longhai, Po 10%-in this intersection of the railway, the Eurasian Continental Bridge in China is the third major cross hub. County jurisdiction nine regions, and municipalities domain area 18,200 square kilometers, the total population of 3.76 million, of which the urban population 750,000, is located in East Drive Baoji 106 ° 18 '~ 108 ° 03' north latitude and 33 ° 35 'to 35 ° 06' . Things 156.6 km long, north-south width 160.6 kilometers. Xianyang City east, south Hanzhong City, West, the Northwest with Tianshui City, Gansu Province Pingliang City and adjacent to the city's total area of 18,172 square kilometers, of which the urban area of 555 square kilometers, and built area of 60.44 square kilometers.

Baoji geological structure is complicated, East, West, South, North, the difference in the landscape, with the South, West, North surrounded on three sides by mountains, the central axis of the Weihe River to expand eastward, with the characteristics of channel opening corner. Hill, Sichuan, both indigenous to the mountains and hills mainly mountainous area 56% of the total, hilly area of 26.5% of the total; of the total area of Sichuan 17.5, showing "Six Mountains and one-third of the water" setup.

Baoji古称Chencang is the Chinese ancestor of Emperor Yan's hometown, the birthplace of ZHOU Qin dynasty, bronze town. There are 65 provincial heritage attractions. Famous monuments Yandi activities have Tiantai Mountain, the Western Zhou Dynasty palace, Zhouyuan sites, Yong Castle Ruins...




英文:My name is Weixin. I come from Baoji City, Shaanxi Province. I am 19 years old, and graduated from a primary school. I have worked for a quite few years.


2. 宝鸡市,英文名为Baoji City,别称陈仓,是位于中国西北的一个地级市。它下辖渭滨区、金台区、陈仓区等地,政府驻地位于金台区。该市的邮政区码为721000,地理位置在关中平原西部,面积为18143平方千米,人口约为378万(2008年数据)。宝鸡方言属于关中方言,气候条件为暖温带半湿润气候。著名的景点...


中华人民国陕西省宝鸡市金台区龙池大道西1号 Translator,No.1WestLongchiAvenue,JintaiDistrict,Baoji,ShaanxiProvince,thePeoplesRepublicofChina.1.中国地址翻译成英文的翻译基本原则是:音译。用汉语拼音转写,参考《中国地名汉语拼音字母拼写规则》,但不用标记调号。2.汉语地名:地名分专名和通名,专名按照汉语...


我家在陕西省宝鸡市高新区高崖村四组 My home in baoji city, shaanxi province high-tech zone high cliff village four groups


英文 Shijiazhuang Shaanxi Chengguan town of city of Baoji province Fengxiang County eleven groups


其中,宝鸡市十大旅游景点为法门寺、太白山国家森林公园、钓鱼台、周公庙、五丈原诸葛亮庙、凤翔东湖、嘉陵江源头风景区、关山草原、炎帝陵祠、宝鸡青铜器博物馆。The main traveling visits the scenic spot to have Famen Temple, the Duke of Zhou temple, five ten feet of originally Zhuge Liang ...


ten feet of originally Zhuge Liang temples、关山草原the Mt. Guanshan prairie、姜太公钓鱼台Jiang Taigong Senkaku Islands、雍城和秦公大墓遗址Yongcheng and Qin Gongda the grave ruins、太白山the taibai mountains、炎帝陵祠the Yandiling ancestral hall、宝鸡青铜器博物馆the Baoji Bronzeware ...


地址应该更详细一点, 把金台区 和邮编加上:No.2-1-4 West, Sector C, Tuanjie Garden Daqing Road, Jintai District,Baoji, Shaanxi Province 721004 P.R.China.

关于宝鸡市的英文介绍 英文介绍自己的家乡宝鸡 关于宝鸡的英文ppt 宝鸡佳音英语和帕蒂英文 宝鸡英文 宝鸡的英语怎么说 宝鸡英文名 宝鸡英语作文 宝鸡市简介
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