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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-13 15:59



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 06:49

  How to conquer the bad cold in winter for school students

  It is a pervasive phenomenon that a person catches bad cold in winter,
especially children and elders. Some people usually inject the bacteria against
the cold, now; I will give some suggestions on how to solve this problem.

  First, it is a good idea to drink milk to builp health body. Milk has
enough protein. Milk is good enough for children and students. What’s more, a
piece of milk is convenient for carrying, and a series of tastes come into the
market constantly. Students can select their favorite taste.

  Second, People always builp strong body by doing sports, like running,
playing basket ball and other sports items. Doing sports not always builp the
robust body, but also make some friends.

  Third, Put on the thick coat when it turns cold and terrible, put off or
put on apparel according to weather diversification.

  In a word, there is more bacteria frequently in winter, make preventive
preparations for winter. In the end , wish every school mate health and
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