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餐厅服务员的工作职责是什么 In English please~thanks

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 08:10



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 04:29

Responsibilities of restaurant staff.
1. Take attendance on time, report to the leader when leaving the post, and sign the correct time.
2. According to the working procere and standard, prepare the preparation work before the meal, set the table with pallet, the tableware requires no damage, the spare container should be sufficient, and the place should be neat and beautiful.
3. Know the food and special recommendation of the dish, know the price, flavor, proction method, nutritional value, etc., so as to make the sales promotion timely.
4. Greet the guests, smile and say hello to each of the guests within three meters of you, and help the guest to give up his seat.
5. Provide quality service to guests according to service proceres and standards after the meal. Order, serve, divide, serve, tour, check out, send guests.
6. Always pay attention to the guests' needs, respond promptly, and offer to smoke, replace utensils, and add wine and tea to the guests, and serve them before the guests sign.
7. Pay special attention to VIP guests, pay special attention to old and weak sick and disabled guests, and provide services according to their corresponding standards.
8. Try to help guests to solve all kinds of problems in the dining process, and timely feedback the guest's problems and complaints to the supervisor to find a solution.
9. Finish the work carefully after the shift.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 04:29

tell them this restaurant is free of disturbance as well as charge.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 04:29

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