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有关ACCA F1-F4的教材问题。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 08:26



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 09:01

2,你现在是学员,年费是69,之后准会员,应该是100左右,最后是会员300.by the way ,ACCA年费在涨,不排除以后还有涨的可能性。
- 全科通过考试
- 财务会会计、财务管理、管理、税务和审计等相关领域内取得三年工作经验 。这个只要提交中英文盖章证明就行了。不会很麻烦。


热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 09:01



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 09:02

会员也不过是189镑, 因为我刚交完。考试复习重要的是学习以往的考卷,把握好今年的考纲,然后读考官写的文章。


ACCA Qualification student & MSER fees
Initial Registration £69
Subscription £69
Duplicate card £11
Re-registration fee £69, in addition to any amounts unpaid at the time of resignation/removal.
Exam/Exemption June 2010
Knowledge £55
Skills £69
Professional £81

Remember! Don't forget to pay your fees on time. Dates by which fees and subscriptions must be paid and arrangements for payment are included in your Student Handbook.

Affiliate subscription fee
Your first annual affiliate or member payment needs to be made by 1 January following the date on which you received your final exam results. Affiliates are entitled to pay a reced affiliate subscription for up to three years.

Affiliate fees
Subscription £99
Permanent subscription £189
Re-instatement £44

Admission to membership fee
Affiliates, on being admitted to membership, are required to make a one-off payment for admission to membership. This fee covers the administration involved in assessing membership applications and is totally separate from the subscription fee.

Annual subscription fee
Member £189
Member (reced rate) £44
Admission to membership fee
Payable on successful admittance to membership £189

How to pay fees
Payment can be made online by credit or debit card by logging on to myACCA .

Payment can also be made by:

Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Switch and Solo
Sterling cheque valid in the UK
Sterling bank drafts drawn on a UK bank crossed British Postal Orders.
Charges arising from other methods of payment - for example, Sterling cheques drawn by banks outside the UK - will need to be added to the payment.
In countries where foreign exchange controls are in force, affiliates are recommended to present payment notifications to their banks well in advance of the e date for payment. Where payment is likely to be delayed by exchange controls, proof of local payment should be forwarded to ACCA.

Affiliates with a UK bank account
Direct Debit payment is available to affiliates with UK bank accounts. To pay by this method, affiliates should complete and return the Direct Debit Mandate.

Affiliates with Internet or telephone-based UK bank accounts can make payment directly to ACCA's account at:
Barclays Bank
Account Number: 40779938
Sort Code: 20-33-70

If you use this method, you must quote your ACCA registration number as a reference. This account must not be used, in any circumstances, for over-the-counter payments, such as Bank Giro Credits or other forms of payment.


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