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DAY138 原来英语中也有幸运符的,你造吗?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-27 21:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 23:13

Symbols of Luck in English Custom


By Sher D Fly


People in most cultures believe in superstitions. From the earliest times, the English, for instance,have believed in certain symbols and customs which could bring good fortune as well as ward offevil spirits. Old customs seldom die, so don’t be surprised because some of these customs are still practiced daily in today’s society.


Horseshoe Horseshoe is considered a lucky symbol in English custom. It resembles the other symbols associated with good fortune in other cultures such as crescent, half circle or “U”. Crescent or “U”shape is often said to be the symbol of fertilityand also possesses power to ward off evil spirit. As it is made of iron for horses, horseshoes are also linked to strength and power. As such, combining all these signs of good luck, the horseshoe is regarded as a powerful device to bring fortune and keep evil spirits away. It is usually nailed to the front door to protect the household from uninvited visitors like witches and evils. However, the horseshoe must be placed in an upright “U” position so that the good fortune will be retainedby the household.

马蹄铁 在英语文化中,马蹄被看作是一种幸运符。它类似于其他文化中与幸运有关的标志,诸如新月、半圆或者是“U”形。新月或者“U”形往往被认为是丰饶肥沃的象征,并且还具有驱除邪灵的魔力。而马蹄铁由于是用在马身上的铁制品,因而又被人们看作与力量和权力有关。因此,集所有幸运象征于一身的马蹄铁就被人们看作是能招福辟邪的利器。人们通常将马蹄铁钉在房子的大门上,保护家人免受诸如巫师或者邪灵等不速之客的打扰。不过,钉的时候马蹄铁的U形口一定要朝上,只有这样,这家人才会留得住好运。

Rabbit’s Foot

In the old English custom, the hare (not rabbit) was said to have an evil eye, whose glance can only be countered by people who own a hare’s hindfoot. In the oldendays, it was said that the warrior Queen Boadicea of Norfolk, East Britain, brought a hare with her to ensure luck in battle against the Roman Empire who had invaded her kingdom. This has brought people to believe that hare had miraculouspowers. However, the paganpractice of worshiping hare eventually stopped after most Britons were convertedto Christianity in 6th century by the first Archbishoof Canterbury. Nevertheless, many Britons carried hare’s foot in their pocket or purse. Later, rabbits were introced in Britain from the other European countries and as rabbit can be easily obtained than that of hare, rabbit’s foot replaced hare’s foot as lucky charm.




Wishing upon a wishbone is an ancient custom. It involves two people who would break the wishbone and the one with a bigger piece makes a wish. The wishbone is actually the forked bone from a fowl’s breast, better known as the “furcula”. In many cultures, fowls are regarded as special creatures which can bring luck and good fortune. The wishbone shape itself is good luck symbol of life and fertility.



Old Boot In the ancient days, old boots or shoes were said to hold the good spirit and courage of their owners. Therefore, it was a common belief that old boot was a good luckcharm. For instance, if a fisherman caught himself an old boot instead of fish, it is believed thatat the end of the day he would be able to catch and take home a huge amount of fish. In north England for instace, the wives of sailors would usually toss old boots or shoes at the departing ships to ensure their husbands’ safe journey. Old boots were also left on the roofs of old houses to fend off evil spirits.


很久以前,据说旧的靴子或鞋子能够留存住主人的美德和勇气。因此,过去人们通常认为旧靴子是一种幸运符。比如,如果一个渔夫钓上来的不是鱼而是一只旧靴子,人们就会认为,过完这一天的时 候,这个渔夫将会捕获大量的鱼,满载而归。再比如,在英格兰北部,水手的妻子们通常会朝离港的船只扔旧靴子或者旧鞋子,以保佑自己的丈夫平平安安。人们还将旧靴子放在老房子的屋顶上来驱除邪灵。


Back in pagan times, tree were considered as sacred symbol of immortality. Touching the tree was a sign of respect to the gods after a favor has been requested, or thanks to the gods for a request that had been fulfilled. After the English embraced Christianity, the people retained their belief that wood is holy as Christ died on wooden cross. People at that time wore wooden crucifixeand often touched them as a sign of penitence. Until now, people who are superstitious will try to touch or knock on wood after gloating, talking bad things about other people, making any rashstatement of intent or so on, so that the act would get rid of any bad lucks ring the day.




Coins, especially gold coins, were said to bring good fortune to the person who possessed them. Gold, like in any other culture, was always a symbol of wealth. In the past, “lucky” gold coins were turned into rings to be worn as a remedyfor many types of illness. Sometimes, brides put them in a shoe to ensure a good married life. The English also dropped coins into wells to protect themselves from being bewitched and to make a wish in hope that their dreams would come true. This is e to the fact that people at the time believed there were good spirits who lived in the wells, fountains or springs.



Four-leaf Clover Clover is actually a type of wild plant with flowers shaped lik cotton balls and usually has three leaves on each stem. In fact it is very rare to find a four-leaf clover. It is believed that to accidentally fin a four-leaf clover is a sign of good luck. Moreover, the shape of four-leaf clover resembles the symbol of crucifix. There is also an English saying “to live in clover” which basically means “to have enough money to be able to live comfortably”.


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