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WC的《Born Again》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-27 02:54



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 17:34

歌曲名:Born Again

But for the grace of God she'd cry herself to sleep
Because the grace of God is something she can keep
Ohhh it won't be long
until their hold is broken
Ohhh it won't be long
until we've found our home
It's for the good of you I sing sweet melody
They'll cast the first stone when the last one's out of reach
Ohhh it won't be long
their hold is broken
Ohhh it won't be long
until we've found our home
Forget where to begin
Brother I have not sinned
I have not sinned
But for the grace of God she'd cry herself to sleep
But now the grace of God is the reason that she weeps
Ohhh it won't be long
until their hold is broken
Ohhh it won't be long
until we've found our home
When summer comes
light my life
snow will melt away
When summer comes
light my life
snow will melt away
I was born again I was born again
Not into the world they put me in
She was born again she was born again
Not into the world they put her in
I was born again I was born again
Not into the world they put me in
She was born again, she was born again
Not into the world they put her in

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