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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-25 00:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 13:43

【Key words】Catering management, Ordering, Stock management
【Abstract】As living in a life of rich materials nowadays, people's demand of basic daliy needs has been changed greatly. With regard to the present demand of people, we have developed a simple and convenient catering management system.With an idea of "All for customers", the new system fully overthrowed the syle of oral ordering, and therefore eliminate the disadvantages of traditional ordering. The system enables a series of new function through a terminal server, including ordering,booking, warehousing,stock management,adjustment of menu,customer communication,music playing,etc. It doesn't only rece the required number of staffs, but also improve the efficiency greatly and thus rece the management cost and modernize people's dinning styles.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 13:43

People in the material life of today, to graally basic necessities requirement has made great changes in people's living needs of today, developed a simple and convenient catering management system, this system will complete the order before the subversion of artificial oral, from the Angle of all customers with the concept of the traditional order, eliminate many shortcomings. This system will achieve server terminal order, reservation, warehousing, inventory management, increase menu, customers query communication, music etc. Function. Not only rece the number of workers, and greatly improve the working efficiency, rece the cost of management, restaurants people repast more modern.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 13:44

我帮你手工翻译,请稍等 一会我把答案发上

With people’s material life becoming more and more rich today,the demand for food, clothing, shelter, and transportation has changed greatly.Aiming at people’s material living demand,a easy and convenient restaurant management system has been created.With basing on a concept of everything starts with customers,this system will thoroughly convert the hand-actuated dishes order method,and eliminate many disadvantages of traditional dishes ordering.This system will accomplish those functions like terminal server dishes ordering,booking,warehousing,inventory management inquiry,increasing menu,customers exchange and music,which can not only rece the staff ,but also greatly enhance the working efficiency and lower the cost of restaurant management,making people’s dining more modern.

Keywords: restaurant management,dishes ordering, inventory management

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