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热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 03:26

  雅思写作的话题比较广,晚要孩子就属于社会类话题,也会考到,下面我给大家带来雅思写作 范文 精讲:晚要孩子。


  Nowadays people are becoming parents later in life. Some think it is not a good development for the family and for the country. Do you agree or disagree with it? Give your opinion.Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

  Parenting may be as late as possible, but not later. Research shows that by the age of 30, a woman's chances of conceiving begin to dwindle. There are advantages to having children young, although these days life is rarely that simple. The argument is that, if people want children at all, it is better to start as early as possible for the development of the family and the country.

  Good or bad, late parenting is a new fashion. Despite cases related to unwanted teenage pregnancies, many people choose to become parents later in life. This social mainstream is particularly obvious among people of the middle class in most developed countries. It is clear enough that many women are putting off babies for career and financial reasons. Besides, if people are planning a one-child or two-child family, there is indeed no such a hurry to be 'in the family way' like those old-fashioned women a couple of generations ago. No wonder that people prefer to wait until they think they are 'ready' to become parents, no matter how late it might be or what could happen as a result.

  Relatively, the consequences are more negative than positive, not just for the family but also for the country. Generally speaking, late parenthood would mean a surplus of old people and not enough workers. This is likely to stymie the country's economy. In contrast, more teenage mothers would mean a population--economic--boom. Based on this presumption, women should finish having their families when they are younger (than 30) and then have more years of employment ahead of them. As expected, their children would also sooner come into the labor force and add to the national economic growth.

  In sum, there seem to be alarm bells on late parenting because this could benefit neither the development of the family nor the society in the economic context. While the decision to become parents later in life is personal, even realistic; the time for a woman to get pregnant is certainly not 'forever'. In parenting, it is one thing that modern people do not desire having one too many, but it is quite another to be too late to become parents for at least once.

  4月8日雅思大 作文 范文 晚要孩子的利弊

  In many countries, people decide to have children at later age than in the past.


  Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?




  Sample Writing:

  The average age of couples entering parenthood is increasing in all continents. The possible reasons include social value and advancement of medical tech. This essay will explain the reasons of this phenomenon in more detail and examine the beneficial and detrimental effects of the trend.

  parenthood 亲子关系;为人父母

  A vital reason for parents determining to have kids later in their lives than before is the varied social value. In the past, people regarded the family relationship and union as the primary issue, and having offspring to inherit the family tradition and business used to be of significant importance. However, in modern society, the accelerated pace of life has made people stressful, and the whole society judge an indivial by monetary things far more than the identity of parents. The full time parents are facing the pressure of being eliminated by society, as a result, they choose to focus on getting promotion, earning money, and climbing up the social ladder, since this is how success is defined. Another essential cause of late parenthood is that the oocyte freezing technic has made it possible for professional females to pregnant in their forties or even fifties. Thus, more families decide to have children when they are of sufficient capability to raise them up.

  vital 至关重要的

  accelerated 加速的

  monetary 金钱的

  define 定义(v.)

  oocyte freezing 冻卵

  There are both advantages as well as disadvantages of delaying having the first baby. It is commonly recognized that there is a higher risk for middle aged pregnant women to suffer from gestational complications. Also, they may be infertility as female’s fertility begins to decrease at their middle thirties. The risks of older parenthood also include having less energy and involvement in the children's lives. No one wants to be the fuddy ddy.

  gestational 妊娠期的

  complications 并发症

  fertility 生育能力

  fuddy ddy 老古董

  However, the late embarking on parenthood has more benefits. It is evident that parents will have more accrued experience, time and money to provide their children better care and ecation. Demonstrating this, it is much more possible for middle aged parents to negotiateflexible work scheles or have chance to do home based work. What’s more, their maturedmentality make midlife parenting more scientific and rational. Illustrating this, it can be seen how older parents’ rich knowledge and life philosophy help their next generation to form a positive attitude towards life and be capable of dealing with tough challenges.

  embark on 开始着手做某事

  accrued 累计的

  negotiate 交涉,谈判

  flexible 灵活的

  work schele 工作时间

  mature 成熟

  mentality 心智

  philosophy 哲学,理念

  Despite the multifaceted reasons of delayed parenthood, it is not a problematic issue. As I see, when parents are better self-established in later life, their descendant can benefit more both substantially and spiritually.

  multifaceted 多层面的

  problematic 有问题的

  descendant 子孙,后裔

  substantially 实质上地

  spiritually 精神上地




  Parenting may be as late as possible, but not later.Research shows that by the age of 30, a woman's chances of conceiving begin to dwindle.There are advantages to having children young, although these days life is rarely that simple.The argument is that, if people want children at all, it is better to start as early as possible forthe development of the family and the country.

  Good or bad, late parenting is a new fashion. Despite cases related to unwanted teenagepregnancies, many people choose to become parents later in life. This social mainstream isparticularly obvious among people of the middle class in most developed countries. It is clearenough that many women are putting off babies for career and financial reasons. Besides, ifpeople are planning a one-child or two-child family, there is indeed no such a hurry to be "in thefamily way" like those old-fashioned women a couple of generations ago. No wonder that peopleprefer to wait until they think they are "ready" to become parents, no matter how late it mightbe or what could happen as a result.

  Relatively, the consequences are more negative than positive, not just for the family but alsofor the country. Generally speaking, late parenthood would mean a surplus of old people andnot enough workers. This is likely to stymie the country's economy. In contrast, more teenagemothers would mean a population—economic—boom. Based on this presumption, womenshould finish having their families when they are younger (than 30) and then have more yearsof employment ahead of them. As expected, their children would also sooner come into thelabor force and add to the national economic growth.

  In sum, there seem to be alarm bells on late parenting because this could benefit neither thedevelopment of the family nor the society in the economic context. While the decision tobecome parents later in life is personal, even realistic; the time for a woman to get pregnant iscertainly not "forever". In parenting, it is one thing that modern people do not desire havingone too many, but it is quite another to be too late to become parents for at least once.


  TASK2 Nowadays men and women in many countries decide to have babies at an older age. What are the reasons? What effects does this trend have on our society and family life?

  育原因?无非就是“钱”和“闲”的问题呗,想想现在养个孩子的开销那是ang ang的往上涨呀,加上我天朝婴幼食品出现过的问题,本妈咪团集体变海淘。产品牌不要怪妈咪们崇洋媚外,只是你们的所作所为让妈咪们太伤心呀。不好意思,扯远了,Let’s keep on track.除了这个,还有刚才我们提到的“闲”的问题。现代庭大部分青年夫妻双双都是上班族,面对自己各自高强度的工作量和压力,根本就很难有什么时间去照顾一个新生命,有些甚至因为各自工作导致两地分居,连婚姻都很难维系,更不必说去照顾小朋友了。突然觉得双职工庭的我们,内心已然崩溃了。

  晚育影响?Women with advanced maternal age高龄产妇这个概念大应该不会陌生吧,有研究表明,高龄产妇在baby遗传一些先天疾病和自己产后得diabetes糖尿病和high blood pressure高血压方面几率都会高很多。对身体的影响也许随着医疗科技的发展,可以逐渐获得改善,还有一个更重要的就是对孩子的 教育 问题。由于父母和孩子之间年龄差距过大代沟大,导致沟通障碍互相之间不理解。又或者老来得子,对于孩子的过分溺爱,尤其中以前提倡的one-child policy更是加重了这种情况,培养出类似某小霸王这种.种,何尝不是一种悲剧呢?



  常住人口 permanent population 流动人口 floating population

  盲流 the unemployed migrant people 劳动力 labor force

  外来工 migrant worker 临时工 seasonal worker

  人口普查 census 人口基数 population base

  人口稠密 densely populated 人口稀少 sparsely populated

  人口爆炸 population explosion 人口过剩 overpopulation

  出生率 birth rate 死亡率 mortality rate

  自然增长率 natural growth rate 人口老化 aging of population

  合法婚龄 legal age for marriage 结婚高峰 marriage boom

  生育高峰 baby boom period 计划生育 family planning

  提倡优生优育,鼓励晚婚晚育 advocate healthy pregnancy and scientific nurture, and encourage late marriage and postponed child-bearing

  破除重男轻女习俗 change attitude of viewing sons as better than daughters

  多子多福 the more sons, the more blessings

  男尊女卑 Man is superior to woman 传宗接代 carry on the family line

  养儿防老 bring up sons to support parents in their old age 避孕 contraception

  避孕用品 contraceptives 人工流产 abortion

  节育 birth control 产妇 lying-in women

  婚前检查 premarriage health checkings

  孕产妇死亡率 maternal mortality rate 婴儿死亡率 infant mortality rate

  节育率(避孕率) contraceptive prevalence rate

  总和生育率 total fertility rate(tfr) 平均预期寿命 life expectancy at birth

  每年人口增加数 annual increment of the population

  人口基数大 large population base 平均年增长数 average annual increase

  平均年增长率 average annual growth rate 城市化 urbanization

  人口流动 movement of population 流动人口 floating population

  人口老龄化 the aging of population 更替水平 population replacement level

  社会计划障体系 social security system

  农村剩余劳力的转移 the transfer of rural surplus labors

  正规的学校教育 formal school ecation

  计划生育*符合中情,符合整个的利益。 The family control policy suits China’s basic conditions and serves the interests of the whole nation.

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