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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-10 07:24



热心网友 时间:2023-07-11 23:37

  在学英语的时候,有时候的听比说还更有意义。下面是我整理的听比说更重要 英语 作文 以供大家阅读。


  “Listening is more important than talking.”This proverb meansthat listening is something worthwhile to consider when we havecommunication with others.

  People often focus on their speaking ability, believing thatgood speaking equals good communication. There is some truth inthis statement, but people who hold this opinion ignore a moreimportant fact. God gave people two ears and one mouth, so itrequires us to keep the ratios of listening and speaking by two toone. The ability to speak well is a necessary component tosuccessful communication. The capability of listening is asimportant as speaking in that listening is the best respect forpeople around us. Listen attentively when others are speaking. Itis the best and the most effective compliment that you can givethem.

  To conclude, Listening can prevent interruption or formulate aresponse even before other speakers have finished. Good listenersare often some of the best speakers who can improve the quality ofthe communication. So listeners should interact with speakers, andrespond promptly.


  As we all known, talking and listening are commonly used in communication, but how can you talk without listening to others? Good conversation skills include much more than simply talking to others, listening is also a necessary quality of a successful person.

  I firmly believe that listening is of greater significance than talking. For one thing, If you can not listen correctly, you can not talk properly. Just imagine a world where everyone keep talking but nobody listening, it's useless to say anything then. For another, if you want to make achievement in social settings, relationships and business, one way to ensure your success is to be a great listener.

  Therefore, in order to enhance our conversation skills, here are a few simple rules we can follow to help us become a better listener, such as stopping talking endlessly, giving your full attention to the speaker and making an effort to shift the focus of the conversation to the other person. All in all, nothing can instead of listening!


  As research shows, 70% to 80% of our lifetime is spent on certain kinds of communication, such as writing, speaking and listening. Among these, listening is actually the most important technique.

  Then why is it that listening is more important than talking? Firstly, when we make acquaintance of someone, listening helps us understand others better and thus winning friendship. Secondly, knowing the art of listening can facilitate communication and avoid conflict with people on intimate terms, such as our parents and spouse. Last but not least, if we obey the principle of listening in the workplace, we are more likely to do the right thing and avoid detours.

  Therefore, it is safe to say that listening from the bottom of our hearts can bring us a lot of benefits. I would like to quote the legend John Rockefeller's words, which I can't agree more, to end my essay: "A little practice in listening can proce amazing results."


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4. 英语四级写作范文讲解

5. 论健康的重要性英语作文范文4篇

6. 表达听不懂的英语说法

小腿肚子一捏就很酸痛,小腿骨的那根筋揉一揉也很酸痛 急解!我小腿肚一直发胀,很硬,而且很酸,捏一捏会很疼,这都好几个月了... 做椭圆运动的宇宙飞船,里面的物体是不是完全失重 拼多多天天打卡领鸡蛋为什么兑换了不发货-拼多多打卡领鸡蛋活动怎么参加... 大学生联合论文比对库收录了所有的大学生论文吗? 大学生论文联合比对库,真的很强大! 发学术期刊论文 迷你世界怎么驯服动物动物吃什么食物 四川理科640分能上什么样的学校?? 四川高考640分能上什么大学 用自己的语言简要概括故事的主要内容词典的故事? 作者通过写《词典的故事》表达了作者怎样的情感 《月亮和六便士》告诉我们的人生哲理 mssql取指定字符前后字符 m4为什么前后轮不一样 使命召唤19战斗步枪怎么调整快慢机 cod19弗基泰克侦察步枪原型 服务器M4平台如何判断电源好坏 如何采购 腾讯 用友 ec 刚拉的头发就不直了怎么办,有的头发还蓬起来 《帝企鹅日记》开头的英语歌叫什么名字? 摩根·弗里曼为《帝企鹅日记》配音是英文版的还是法语版的?_百度知 ... 企业趣味运动会观后感 抖音关闭多长时间的延时功能 葡萄月令观后感 读汪曾祺《葡萄月令》有感 刚买来的花茶可以不洗直接泡水喝吗 开庭后如果收监会判缓刑的吗 屏边附近哪里有电脑培训班在哪里? 郑州郑汴路东明路58同城电脑培训班 听比说重要的作文可以从相反的角度写吗 听,有时候比说更重要 肖战排练《如梦之梦》花絮照曝光,你是否期待他的这版话剧? 牛牛手机助手怎么免费得会员 最美逆行者林颖的扮演者 最美逆行者简短话语 培养卓越的企业管理文化需要做到哪些方面 苹果手机卡槽哪个是卡1卡2 实有人口信息采集员要穿戴统一标识是什么意思 美国人口普查会给人打标记吗 三国里符鬼是什么,怎么获得,回答的简单点,易懂 符鬼的最强招式 QQ三国的符鬼有什么用? 天之痕里面养哪只符鬼较好? 360手表为什么不能定为了 符鬼选哪个好 肖战为什么会说谁还不会整点儿土味情话啊? 形容热闹场面的成语 《乡村小农医》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源 赣州三江技工学校学历可以在学习网查到吗?