英国 留学 格拉斯哥
发布时间:2022-04-23 06:50
时间:2022-06-17 00:50
你好,首先就Glasgow的金融,是金融类学生很不错的选择。至于你所罗列的5个专业,区别在于:1.具体课程设置不同,例如Economics&Finance,除了金融,经济学的理论和实践课程也会比较多;而Investment方面,除了金融,像Banking,Money和financial analysis也会涉及。2.课程设置的不同,一定是培养不同方向和岗位的人才,例如Investment从事投资、投资分析、理财和银行相关工作就较多。
时间:2022-06-17 00:50
东北财经大学虽然不是211,可最近今年申请的时候,英国大学都会认为是211呢,同学你均分不错,如果雅思6.5或者7的话,可以冲刺下巴斯大学、曼大、爱丁堡大学的! 当然格拉斯哥大学完全可以申请到的。英国大学的金融一般都是和会计挂钩的,有金融会计 金融投资 金融工程 金融数学 金融管理 金融工程等几个分支,结合自己的兴趣爱好去选择,选择专业不是只看了专业名字,你需要看看此专业的具体核心课程模块有哪些才是,有问题就随时追问了!追问学校当然是越好越好,但是我也不是一定要非去什么学校那种。
制约我的因素其实还有雅思,我英语不好,只能考到6.5 .我相信6.5和7之间的差距对于一个不擅长英语的人难度很大你也心里非常清楚,曼大 爱丁堡我都挺喜欢,学校不错,名字听着也好听 呵呵 就是英语拖后腿也真是没办反。我已经会到官网查那些核心课程了。谢谢你的耐心
时间:2022-06-17 00:51
其实您上官网去看就知道了 每个专业都有课程介绍 就业方向 开设目的 最重要的有专业课程介绍 几个专业大体差不多 就业方向也差不多,就是专业课程有些许差别
时间:2022-06-17 00:51
同学你好!上述课程的区别建议你看一下官网上的课程设置,你就很明白了,每个专业的课程设置不一样,它的就业方向也有区别追问嗯嗯 刚学会
时间:2022-06-17 00:52
Finance & Economic Development MSc
You will find this programme suitable if you intend pursuing careers in teaching and/or research in the general field of economic development or the specialist areas offered as elective subjects; if you wish to expand your knowledge of economic development as a government official; or you work in this subject area in international agencies or in other organisations concerned with economic development.
Financial Economics MSc
As a graate of the programme you will be qualified to work in finance for organisations like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. The programme is also suitable for careers in academia.
Graates from this programme have progressed to careers involving financial decision-making for financial institutions, including banks, investment banks, asset management firms and government organisations.
Financial Forecasting & Investment MSc
Suitable career paths when you graate will be in financial institutions including central banks, investment banks as well as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank; asset management firms; governmental bodies involved in financial decision-making; other organisations involved with financial transactions and the provision of finance; and the academic sector.
Financial Modelling MSc
Graates from this programme are likely to be employed in key roles in banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions.
Financial Risk Management MSc
Suitable career paths when you graate will be with banks including investment and central banks such as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. Other opportunities will be presented by asset management firms, governmental bodies involved in financial decision-making, and firms working in the area of financial transactions and provision of finance.