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法律论文摘要 翻译英文 专业高手进

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 06:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 13:15

Will people as commodity behavior, the prodect, with human trafficking in our criminal behavior has become a nuisance of social concern about China's present criminal law, though with a regulation, but along with the economic development, the widening gap between the urban and rural, judicial practice selling alt male (14 years old), sell the coolie cherished and trafficking LiangXingRen case also common occurance. In our criminal law in a concrete analysis about human trafficking crime legislation, we can see the trajectory of the criminal law on the crime human trafficking in legislation and regulations and exposed, should be perfected. Defects
I think our current trafficking women, children, the object has obvious limitation limits, no human trafficking sin. Legislative law should be strict, I hope our country criminal law can establish human trafficking and buying abcted population of sin, And the victim will against human trafficking as sin (except under the age of 14) is one of the components. Make women, children, other than the population also should be protected and judicial organs more favorable and control of any criminal activity human trafficking.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 13:15

On the topic of the crime of trafficking in women and children to improve (the title is very important to some professionals, thank you)


Will act as commodities, both ancient and modern, in China's criminal acts of trafficking in persons has become a common concern to the community a public hazard, despite China's current Criminal Code provisions have to be, but with the economic development gap between urban and rural areas constant gap, the judicial practice of trafficking of alt males (14 years old and above) for the case of coolies, betrayed his own children, as well as human trafficking cases gender is also not uncommon. Specific analysis of the criminal law relating to human trafficking crimes legislation trajectory, we can see that the existing criminal law on human trafficking and criminal conct exposed the lack of legislation and the deficiencies should be improved.

I think that the trafficking of women in our country, the criminal offense of child objects have obvious limitations of limitations, there is no comprehensive human trafficking crimes. The law the legislature should be tight, I hope that the re-establishment of China's criminal law to the crime of human trafficking and the crime of buying has been charged with trafficking in persons; and contrary to the will of the victim as the crime of trafficking in persons (14 years of age except as below), one of the elements. Women, children other than the population deserves the protection of the judiciary in order to better combat and control of any criminal acts of trafficking activities.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 13:16


热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 13:16

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