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What to use, Partial Payment or Residual Item?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-09 19:37



热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 04:11

To simply put it, in partial payment the open items reamain as open items whereas in resial payment the open item is cleared and a new open item is created for the balance amount. In partial payment since the original invoice is still open the payment terms take effect from the date of the invoice whereas in the resial payment document the payment term takes effect from the date on which the document is created. hence the e date for the remaining amount changes.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 04:12

To simply put it, in partial payment the open items reamain as open items whereas in resial payment the open item is cleared and a new open item is created for the balance amount. In partial payment since the original invoice is still open the payment terms take effect from the date of the invoice whereas in the resial payment document the payment term takes effect from the date on which the document is created. hence the e date for the remaining amount changes.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 04:12

The major difference you will find at line items display i.e., FBL5N. If you clear an open item with Partial Clearing, system shows the figures in open items list only.(Reced pending amount and cleared amount with - sign) If you clear with Resial clearing the amount pending will be in Open Items list and cleared amount will apear in Cleared Items list.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-22 04:12

The major difference you will find at line items display i.e., FBL5N. If you clear an open item with Partial Clearing, system shows the figures in open items list only.(Reced pending amount and cleared amount with - sign) If you clear with Resial clearing the amount pending will be in Open Items list and cleared amount will apear in Cleared Items list.
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