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doodle jump 的英文介绍

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-09 15:54



热心网友 时间:2023-11-19 19:45

Doodle Jump is an electronic game developed and published by Lima Sky for iOS, BlackBerry, Apple iPod touch, iPad, iPhone, Android, and Nokia Symbian. It was released worldwide for iOS on April 6, 2009, and was later released for Android and Blackberry on March 2, 2010 and for Symbian on May 1, 2010. Since its release, the game has been generally well-received. The game was inspired by PapiJump, from SunFlat, with similar gameplay. On June 25, 2010 it was announced that the game had totalled over 5 million sales.[1] It has been reported of having 28,000 downloads per day.

Gameplay consists of guiding a four-legged creature known as "Doodler" up an unending series of platforms without falling in an attempt to gain a high score. The character is controlled by tilting the gaming device in the desired direction. The greater the angle, the greater speed. In the BlackBerry version, direction of the Doodler is determined by tapping in the desired direction

In Doodle Jump, the aim is to guide a four-legged creature called "The Doodler" up an never-ending series of platforms without falling. For devices with an accelerometer, players tilt the device from side to side to move the Doodler in the desired direction. Players can get a short boost from various objects, such as propeller hats, jetpacks, rockets, springs or trampolines. There are also monsters and UFOs that the Doodler has to shoot or jump on to eliminate. Aiming is performed by tapping on different parts of the screen. Depending on the game mode being played, projectiles may fly in a straight line off the screen or be affected by gravity and fall downwards eventually. There is no definitive end to the game, but the end for each gameplay happens when the players falls (by reaching the bottom of the screen), jumps into a monster, gets sucked into a black hole, or is abcted by a UFO. The newest updated version of the game lets players choose between versions of the game (normal, Graveyard, Christmas, Rainforest, Space, World Cup,Easter, Underwater or Halloween) without changing their names. After losing the game at least 500 times (600 in the BlackBerry version) the Doodler is given the opportunity to wear a pickle costume. Alternatively, the player may enter the names of one of the Pocket God pygmies as a name as the Doodler will become one.

热心网友 时间:2023-12-11 20:43

Doodle Jump is an electronic game developed and published by Lima Sky for iOS, BlackBerry, Apple iPod touch, iPad, iPhone, Android, and Nokia Symbian. It was released worldwide for iOS on April 6, 2009, and was later released for Android and Blackberry on March 2, 2010 and for Symbian on May 1, 2010. Since its release, the game has been generally well-received. The game was inspired by PapiJump, from SunFlat, with similar gameplay. On June 25, 2010 it was announced that the game had totalled over 5 million sales.[1] It has been reported of having 28,000 downloads per day.

Gameplay consists of guiding a four-legged creature known as "Doodler" up an unending series of platforms without falling in an attempt to gain a high score. The character is controlled by tilting the gaming device in the desired direction. The greater the angle, the greater speed. In the BlackBerry version, direction of the Doodler is determined by tapping in the desired direction

In Doodle Jump, the aim is to guide a four-legged creature called "The Doodler" up an never-ending series of platforms without falling. For devices with an accelerometer, players tilt the device from side to side to move the Doodler in the desired direction. Players can get a short boost from various objects, such as propeller hats, jetpacks, rockets, springs or trampolines. There are also monsters and UFOs that the Doodler has to shoot or jump on to eliminate. Aiming is performed by tapping on different parts of the screen. Depending on the game mode being played, projectiles may fly in a straight line off the screen or be affected by gravity and fall downwards eventually. There is no definitive end to the game, but the end for each gameplay happens when the players falls (by reaching the bottom of the screen), jumps into a monster, gets sucked into a black hole, or is abcted by a UFO. The newest updated version of the game lets players choose between versions of the game (normal, Graveyard, Christmas, Rainforest, Space, World Cup,Easter, Underwater or Halloween) without changing their names. After losing the game at least 500 times (600 in the BlackBerry version) the Doodler is given the opportunity to wear a pickle costume. Alternatively, the player may enter the names of one of the Pocket God pygmies as a name as the Doodler will become one.
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