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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-05 17:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 06:49

First sight at this topic, I do agree with it. Then I turn into consideration, is that really true? Is there any exception? So I decide to put it in this way.
Many hands make light work. We all know this since we were little boys and girls. And our respectable Chairman Mao also taught us solidarity is power. But now, my question is, whether does many hands make light work or not? Take a glass of water for example, you keep filling a glass full of water with water, there is only one result, the water overflows.
We are taught to cooperate with others. That means we are easily to depend on people in some degree. The consequence of this is that we are lack of creativity, which is regarded as one of the most important qualities ring work. Besides, too many opinions is the original of conflict. Time is given to finish work, not solve conflict. We are always pursuing the most effective way to finish a job. And the point is that what the most effective way is. Does it mean a bundle of people with many hands? Absolutely not. Oppositely it means we use the fewest resources to finish a job as soon as possible. We cut down the cost and avoid waste of resources.
When doing cleaning work in my dorm, I prefer Michael to stay outside rather than inside. He could be a good helper, but no need, that’s it. There are already too many hands in a small room. A Chinese saying “人多手杂” best describe this .
This is my point. And I am not raising it to deny cooperation, but to remind you that too many hands may be also a trouble. What we need is to figure out a better way to solve a problem and finish a job. That’ all, thank you!
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