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Prokid的《Kids》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-06 16:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 08:44


Taken From 'Sing When You're Winning'
Duet with Kylie Minogue
Me no bubbletious
Me smoke heavy tar
Me be groovin' slowly where you are
Notify your next of kin
'Cause you're never coming back
I've been dropping beats since Back in Black
And we'll paint by numbers
'Til something sticks
Don't mind doing it for the kids
(So come on) jump on board
Take a ride (yeah)
(You'll be doin' it all right)
Jump on board feel the high
'Cause the kids are alright
You've got a reputation
Well I guess that can be explored
You're dancing with the chairman of the board
Take a ride on my twelve cylinder symphony
But if you got other plans
The purpose of a woman is to love her man
And we'll paint by numbers
'Til something sticks
Don't mind doing it for the kids
(So come on) jump on board
Take a ride (yeah)
(Doin' it all right)
Jump on board feel the high
'Cause the kids are alright
I'm gonna give it all of my loving
It's gonna take up all of my love
I'm gonna give it all of my loving
It's gonna take up all of my love
I'm gonna give it all of my loving
It's gonna take up all of my love
I'm gonna give it all of my loving
It's gonna take up all of my love
Come down from the ceiling
I didn't mean to get so high
I couldn't do what I wanted to do
When my lips were dry
You can't just up and leave me
I'm a singer in a band
Well I like drummers baby
You're not my bag
Jump on board
Take a ride, yeah
(You'll be doin' it all right)
Jump on board feel the high, yeah
Jump on board
Take a ride, yeah
(You'll be doin' it all right)
Jump on board feel the high, yeah
'Cause the kids are alright
I'm an honorary Sean Connery, born '74
There's only one of me
Single-handedly raising the economy
Ain't no chance of the record company dropping me
Press be asking do I care for sodomy
I don't know, yeah, probably
I've been looking for serial monogamy
Not some bird that looks like Billy Connolly
But for now I'm down for ornithology
Grab your binoculars, come follow me
by Sheen Law 2000/12/05

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