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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-08 16:48



热心网友 时间:2023-11-29 07:01



  Market Research

  The definition of market research: study carried out by a company before launching a new proct, into the needs, lifestyle, income, etc of potential buyers and to measure the success of similar procts that are already available. It may involve interviewing people in the street or giving away sample proct.

  ○1 Market research can be done for both a proct and a company. As for a proct, it is the first step when promoting a new proct. It can find out whether the market accept the proct or not. As for the company, market research can find out the customers’ opinion about the after-sales services and corporate image.

  ○2 There are generally four ways of doing market research, observation, survey, questionnaire and telephone interview.

  ○3 There are four proceres while doing market research. First, represent suitable questions. Second, record the customers’ feedbacks. Third, gather these statistics. Forth, analyse them and draw a conclusion.

  VI. Sales

  Ex: How to sell a proct effectively in international markets.

  ○1 Advertising. Choose a media to advertise your procts in a foreign country, TV commercials, magazines, bill board, or etc. Make sure it suits the local tastes. Maybe you can try to sell on the net; it will receive the world-wide attention.

  ○2 Do market research. Find out whether the procts are accepted by foreign customers. It can be carried out as surveys, observations, and questionnaires.

  ○3 Adjust your proct to the local tastes. Although the case of your procts are the same, you can change some details. Take IKEA, the largest furniture retailer, for example, is doing well in suiting the local taste.

  ○4 What I want to put emphasis on is franchising. Franchising is a good way to sell your prosuct in a foreign country. As local businessmen understand their own culture best.


  其次是HR Management,这一部分也很重要,而且这些材料在写作时都可以派上用场

  I. Recruitment

  Ex: How to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected.

  How to organise an effective recruitment drive.

  ○1 Hiring a new employee is an investment. Getting a niche person for a niche role will add value to an organization. Organization can never be sure that they have selected the right person until he or she starts working, but an efficient recruitment and selection process can rece the risk.

  ○2 Proce an accurate job description, a list of skills, experience, attitudes and so on.

  ○3 Choose the best recruitment method: internal recruitment, job advertisements, recruitment agencies and headhunting/executive search.

  ○4 A shortlist of candidates will then be draw up to be put through the company’s recruitment processes, usually interviews. This will proce the ideal candidate.

  ○5 Negotiate terms with this candidate. It should be both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the ideal candidate.

  II. Motivation

  Ex: How to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforce.

  The importance to a company of having well motivated staffs.

  ○1 Well motivated staffs can add value to the company. They are enthusiastic, creative and loyal. They increase the proctivity and quality.

  ○2 Spiritual motivation.

  A. Give employees guidance when they are just recruited.

  B. Demonstrate a commitment to career development and promotion from within.

  C. Forster a sense of team spirit.

  D. Publicly recognize and congratulate employees for good work.

  ○3 Material motivation.

  A. Set incentive schemes: profit sharing, bonus scheme.

  B. Fringe benefits: company car, contribution to pension/health scheme, relation allowance.

  C. Establish the incentive-based compensation system.


  Career development

  Ex: The importance of having a career plan in order to achieve high levels of success at work.

  The importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your career.

  How to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companies.

  ○1 When people first entering a company, many dream that they will one day be running a major business, wielding power and influencing market. But only a few of them succeed. For the rest, compromise, mediocrity and alternative career will be their lot.

  ○2 If you want to climb up to the summit, the first thing you have to do is having a career plan. It should be a long-run plan and be set out one step after another. Maybe you can start with increasing your sales volume by 10%. Make a marvelous proposal of the problem happens to your department and draw the manager’s attention to promote you to the Manager Assistant. Then you know what you should do, work hard, be creative and wait for the next promotion. See, step by step, you will achieve high level of success at work.

  IV. Training

  Ex: How to monitor internal staff training scheme effectively.

  The importance of a cumulous program of staff training within a company.

  How to evaluate the effectiveness of company training program.

  ○1 Staff training is a win-win situation. It both benefit the company and the staff members. It offers opportunities to staffs who want to acquire some specialized skills and improve themselves. It also increase the efficiency which means more profit to the company. Moreover, the company can pass its corporate culture to the staffs ring the training.

  ○2 As for the internal staff training, the training and Enterprise Councils should take this responsibility. Before the training, they first have to do a survey to find out which training course is welcomed by staff, compare it with the company’s objectives, and then make a final decision. Second, they will select a trainer and make a schele for the course. It can be an on the job training, which means employees learn while undertaking the job, or off the job training, which means employees are trained away from the actual job. It really depends.

  ○3 After the training, the HR Department should arrange interviews with the employees who took part in the training and get feedbacks to improve the training in the future. The evaluation system also contains evaluate the performances of these staffs and make comparisons between the previous performances and the present ones. If the present performances are better and staffs make more profits than before, the training program can be seen as effective, especially when the company’s output is well over its input.



  Ex: How to ensure appropriate levels of confidentiality over the long-term staffing plans of a company.

  ○1 We all heard about the business espionage. One company sends people to another company to gather sensitive information. The law forbids these indecent behaviors. But these behaviors are always difficult to legally identify. What the company can do is taking care of itself and make the sensitive information confidential.

  ○2 Firstly, the company should be aware of the recruitment process. CV or resume can sometimes tell whether a candidate is sent by its competitors.

  ○3 Secondly, give different rights to different levels of staff on access to the company’s important documents.

  ○4 Thirdly, add code to the computer and install firewall.

  Ex: The importance of providing employees with clear job descriptions.

  ○1 It is part of the incentive schemes and communication. It improves the communication with you and your employees and motivates them. They will feel being recognized publicly and devote themselves to their work.

  ○2 The job descriptions include requirement of any skills, responsibility and payment.

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