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有哪位好心人帮我找一下black box recorder的Rock 'n' Roll Suicide 的歌词,,,拜托啦!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-29 13:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 02:31

Rock 'n' Roll Suicide - Black Box Recorder - The Art Of Driving

Artist: Black Box Recorder
Song: Rock 'n' roll suicide
Album: The Worst Of Black Box Recorder
[" The Worst Of Black Box Recorder " CD]

Time takes a cigarette, puts it in your mouth
You pull on your finger, then another finger, then cigarette
The wall to wall is calling, it lingers, then you forget
Oh oh oh, you're a rock 'n roll suicideÂ

You're too old to lose it, too young to choose it
And the clock waits so patiently on your song
You walk past a cafe, but you don't eat when you've lived too long
Oh, no no no, you're a rock 'n roll suicideÂ

Chev brakes are snarling as you stumble across the road
But the day breaks instead so you hurry home
Don't let the sun blast your shadow, don't let the milk float ride your mind
So natural religiously unkindÂ

Oh no love you're not alone, you're watching yourself but you're too unfair
You've got your head all tangled but if I could only make you care

Oh no love you're not alone no matter what or who you've been
No matter when or where you've seen, all the knives seem to lacerate your brain
I've had my share, I'll help you with the pain.

You're not alone, just turn on with me, you're not alone, let's turn on and be
not alone (wonderful), gimme your hands, you're wonderful (wonderful), gimme your hands
You're wonderful (wonderful), gimme your hands


热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 02:32

歌曲名称:Rock 'N' Roll Suicide
专辑名称:The Worst of Black Box Recorder

发行公司:Jet Set Records
歌手姓名:Black Box Recorder

Time takes a cigarette, puts it in your mouth
You pull on your finger, then another finger, then cigarette
The wall to wall is calling, it lingers, then you forget
Oh oh oh, you're a rock 'n roll suicide

You're too old to lose it, too young to choose it
And the clock waits so patiently on your song
You walk past a cafe, but you don't eat when you've lived too long
Oh, no no no, you're a rock 'n roll suicide

Chev brakes are snarling as you stumble across the road
But the day breaks instead so you hurry home
Don't let the sun blast your shadow, don't let the milk float ride your mind
So natural religiously unkind

Oh no love you're not alone, you're watching yourself but you're too unfair
You've got your head all tangled but if I could only make you care

Oh no love you're not alone no matter what or who you've been
No matter when or where you've seen, all the knives seem to lacerate your brain
I've had my share, I'll help you with the pain.

You're not alone, just turn on with me, you're not alone, let's turn on and be
not alone (wonderful), gimme your hands, you're wonderful (wonderful), gimme your hands
You're wonderful (wonderful), gimme your hands
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