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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-27 17:30



热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 23:50

  《飘》的畅销盛况一度成为出版史上的一段佳话。下面是我带来的外国名著经典英语段落 ,欢迎阅读!


  Gerald had come to America from Ireland when he was twenty-one. He had come hastily, as many a better and worse Irishman before and since, with the clothes he had on his back, twoshillings above his passage money and a price on his head that he felt was larger than his misdeed warranted. There was no Orangeman this side of hell worth a hundred pounds to the British government or to the devil himself; but if the government felt so strongly about the death of an English absentee landlord’s rent agent, it was time for Gerald O’Hara to be leaving and leaving suddenly. True, he had called the rent agent “a bastard of an Orangeman,” but that, according to Gerald’s way of looking at it, did not give the man any right to insult him by whistling the opening bars of “The Boyne Water.”


  The Battle of the Boyne had been fought more than a hundred years before, but, to the O’Haras and their neighbors, it might have been yesterday when their hopes and their dreams, as well as their lands and wealth, went off in the same cloud of st that enveloped a frightened and fleeing Stuart prince, leaving William of Orange and his hated troops with their orangecockades to cut down the Irish adherents of the Stuarts.



  For this and other reasons, Gerald’s family was not inclined to view the fatal outcome of thisquarrel as anything very serious, except for the fact that it was charged with seriousconsequences. For years, the O’Haras had been in bad odor with the English constabulary onaccount of suspected activities against the government, and Gerald was not the first O’Hara totake his foot in his hand and quit Ireland between dawn and morning. His two oldest brothers,James and Andrew, he hardly remembered, save as close-lipped youths who came and went atodd hours of the night on mysterious errands or disappeared for weeks at a time, to theirmother’s gnawing anxiety. They had come to America years before, after the discovery of asmall arsenal of rifles buried under the O’Hara pigsty. Now they were successful merchants inSavannah, “though the dear God alone knows where that may be,” as their mother alwaysinterpolated when mentioning the two oldest of her male brood, and it was to them thatyoung Gerald was sent.


  He left home with his mother's hasty kiss on his cheek and her fervent Catholic blessing in his ears, and his father's parting admonition, “Remember who ye are and don’t be taking nothing off no man.” His five tall brothers gave him good-by with admiring but slightly patronizingsmiles, for Gerald was the baby and the little one of a brawny family.



  His five brothers and their father stood six feet and over and broad in proportion, but littleGerald, at twenty-one, knew that five feet four and a half inches was as much as the Lord in Hiswisdom was going to allow him. It was like Gerald that he never wasted regrets on his lack ofheight and never found it an obstacle to his acquisition of anything he wanted. Rather, it wasGerald’s compact smallness that made him what he was, for he had learned early that littlepeople must be hardy to survive among large ones. And Gerald was hardy.


  His tall brothers were a grim, quiet lot, in whom the family tradition of past glories, lost forever,rankled in unspoken hate and crackled out in bitter humor. Had Gerald been brawny, he wouldhave gone the way of the other O’Haras and moved quietly and darkly among the rebels againstthe government But Gerald was “loud-mouthed and bullheaded,” as his mother fondly phrasedit, hair trigger of temper, quick with his fists and possessed of a chip on his shoulder so largeas to be almost visible to the naked eye. He swaggered among the tall O’Haras like a struttingbantam in a barnyard of giant Cochin roosters, and they loved him, ted him affectionatelyto hear him roar and hammered on him with their large fists no more than was necessary tokeep a baby brother in his proper place.


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