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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-27 17:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 00:55

African cultures provide a number of examples. The Baganda of East Africa use the word obugezi to refer to a combination of mental and social skills that make a person steady, cautious, and friendly. The Djerma-Songhai in West Africa use the term akkal, which has an even broader meaning – a combination of intelligence, know-how, and social skills. Still another society, the Baoule, uses the term n’glouele, which describes children who are not only mentally alert but also willing to volunteer their services without being asked.
[4] Because of the enormous differences in the ways cultures define intelligence, it is difficult to make valid comparisons from one society to another. That is, different cultures value different traits (their definition of “intelligence”) and have divergent views concerning which traits are useful in predicting future important behaviors (also culturally defined). People in different cultures not only disagree about what constitutes intelligence but also about the proper way to demonstrate those abilities. In mainstream North American society, indivials are typically rewarded for displaying knowledge and skills. This same behavior may be considered improper, arrogant, or rude in societies that stress personal relationships, cooperation, and modesty.
非洲文化提供了一些例子。东非巴基斯坦使用“obugezi”这个词,指的是一种使人稳定,谨慎和友善的精神和社会技能的结合。西非的Djerma-Songhai使用的术语“akkal”具有更广泛的意义 - 结合智力,诀窍和社交技能。另一个社会,Baoule,使用n'glouele这个词,它描述了不仅有心理警戒但也愿意志愿服务而不被问到的孩子。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 00:55

African cultures provide a number of examples. The Baganda of East Africa use the word obugezi to refer to a combination of mental and social skills that make a person steady, cautious, and friendly. The Djerma-Songhai in West Africa use the term akkal, which has an even broader meaning – a combination of intelligence, know-how, and social skills. Still another society, the Baoule, uses the term n’glouele, which describes children who are not only mentally alert but also willing to volunteer their services without being asked.
[4] Because of the enormous differences in the ways cultures define intelligence, it is difficult to make valid comparisons from one society to another. That is, different cultures value different traits (their definition of “intelligence”) and have divergent views concerning which traits are useful in predicting future important behaviors (also culturally defined). People in different cultures not only disagree about what constitutes intelligence but also about the proper way to demonstrate those abilities. In mainstream North American society, indivials are typically rewarded for displaying knowledge and skills. This same behavior may be considered improper, arrogant, or rude in societies that stress personal relationships, cooperation, and modesty.
非洲文化提供了一些例子。东非巴基斯坦使用“obugezi”这个词,指的是一种使人稳定,谨慎和友善的精神和社会技能的结合。西非的Djerma-Songhai使用的术语“akkal”具有更广泛的意义 - 结合智力,诀窍和社交技能。另一个社会,Baoule,使用n'glouele这个词,它描述了不仅有心理警戒但也愿意志愿服务而不被问到的孩子。
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