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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-25 15:10



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 14:17

Albert Square
Completed in 1887, this most impressive neo-Gothic building cost a million pounds and is acknowledged as a masterpiece in its own right. It rises as a Victorian edifice - a monument to the civic pride of the city fathers, reaching 286 feet above Albert Square below.
Designed by Alfred Waterhouse, a leading contemporary architect, it was fitted masterfully onto an awkward triangular space - although not unanimously liked as the best looking design, it proved the most practical of the 136 other designs entered. Manchester had achieved city status in 1853, and was keen to show off its civic dignity. Inside it is lavishly and richly decorated, with mosaic floors bearing the "bees", symbols of Manchester's instry, and has wall murals by Ford Madox Brown.
At the front main entrance, a statue of the Roman Governor, Agricola, surveys the square. He had founded the original fort of Mamuciam, from which the city began, and is thus honoured by a statue over the main front entrance to the Town Hall. The building dominates Albert Square, with its monument to Queen Victoria's consort, and statues of some of Manchester's great men.
The square has now been largely pedestrianised and regularly serves as a venue for local events, celebrations, street fairs, Christmas funfairs, etc - much in the way medieval market squares might have done in years gone by. Guided Tours of the Town Hall are available by prior arrangement - sadly they are no longer free. Tours can be arranged through the Manchester Visitor Centre in person or by telephone.

Manchester Town Hall complex has two buildings - the original Town Hall building (sometimes called the old Town Hall) and the Town Hall Extension. The complex is bounded by Albert Square to the front, Princess Street to the left, Peter Street to the right and St Peter's Square to the rear. Lloyd Street separates the older Town Hall building from the newer Town Hall extension.

St Peter's :

* a Baptist Church within the North Western Association of the Baptist Union
* an extra-parochial place of worship attached to the Deanery of Hulme in the Manchester Diocese of the Church of England.
* the Oxford Hall Society of the Manchester Circuit (19/1) within the Manchester and Stockport District of the Methodist Church of Great Britain.
* a Church in the South West Manchester District of the North Western Synod of the United Reformed Church.

These and many other Churches are members of Churches Together in England. At a local level we are members of Churches Together in Longsight and Churches Together in Hulme, Moss Side and Whalley Range.

City Church Manchester was planted in 2002 as a church with a focus for people who work, live or play in Manchester city centre.

City church Manchester
The founding members of the community came from a variety of church backgrounds all recognising that the nature of church needed to evolve for the 21st century.

Since that time things have grown and developed. A vibrant community consisting of all sorts of people has come together. On the whole we are quite young, some students, a whole bunch of twentysomethings, quite a lot of young couples, a sprinkling of young families and even a few 'emptynesters'!


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