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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-25 14:58



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 13:51



  Geoffrey Chaucer (about 1343 ~ 1400) British poet. His personal life is quite rich: 1357 years to do the court paternity, 1359 years to participate in the war when the law was captured, the following year by the king of redemption, 1361 - 1367 in the Temple Law Association training, 1366 and the queen of the palace The women's marriage, after many times on behalf of Edward III to the European continent, to Belgium, France, Italy and other countries, have the opportunity to meet Boccaccio and Petrak, which his literary creation had a great impact. In 1374, Chaucer was the London fur management officer, and in 1382 served as the tariff manager for alcohol and other commodities. In 1385, Chaucer was the magistrate of Kent, the second year was elected to the county knight to attend the lower house of parliament. In 1389 years after the KMT government, Chaucer has served as the royal construction works and Somerset royal forest deputy director. Chaucer was deprived of official and annuities ring the asylum of the asylum, and the economy was strained. He had written the oil poem "to the empty capsule" to just ascend to Henry IV, complain about their own poverty. In 1400, Joao died and was buried at Poet's Corner in London's Westminster Church. He was also the first poet to be buried here.

  Chaucer's poetic creation is divided into three periods: (1) the French influence period (1360 ~ 1372): the main translation and follow the works of the French poet, created the "Duchess" (The Book of the Duchess (1369) Dialect translation of the French medieval long narrative poem "rose legend" and so on. ② the Italian influence period (1372 ~ 1386): the poet came into contact with the progressive thinking of bourgeois humanism. The creation of this period, such as the "Birds Conference", "Troilus and Criseyde (c. 1385))," The Story of a Good Woman ", reflects the author's creation for the reality of life Attitude and humanism. ③ mature period (1386 ~ 1400): Chaucer in the last 15 years in the "Canterbury story set" creation. Both in content and skills to achieve the pinnacle of his creation. His first heroic rhyme is widely used by British poets later, known as "the father of British poetry."

  The early creation of Chaucer was influenced by Italian and French literature. He introced the literature of knights in the French literature, the lyrics and animal fables, and so on. Its early works "Trolls and Clay West" (1385), character character to create vivid and delicate, language witty humor.

  From 1377 onwards, Chaucer repeatedly made the European continent, in contact with Dante, Pietrak and Boccaccio and others works. These writers anti-feudal anti-religious spirit and humanism, so that Chaucer's creative thinking has undergone profound changes, began to turn to realism. The narrative poem "Trolls and the West", which is rewritten according to a long poem of Boccaccio, rejects the traditions of fantasy and fables, instead of the description of the characters and life details in the real world. A realist work.

  Chaucer carried out the creation of The Canterbury Tales (1387-1400) in the last fifteen years of his life. This is his most outstanding work.

  Chaucer's vision, profound observation, rich writing style, truly reflect the lives of different social classes, created a realist tradition of British literature, Shakespeare and Dickens have an impact.

  "Canterbury story set" is the British writer Chaucer's novel. The work describes a group of pilgrims gathered in a small London hotel, ready to pilgrimage to Canterbury. Shopkeepers suggested that pilgrims on the way to the two stories, to see who speak the best. The story set includes 23 stories, one of the most wonderful stories are: the knight's story of love tragedy, the story of the knight's knight's knight, the soldier who sells the crucifixion, the talisman's story, the businessman's story The story of the family disputes, the story of the farmer's touching love and generosity. The works extensively reflect the British social life of the embryonic period of capitalism, exposing the corruption of the church, the greed and hypocrisy of the priest, condemning the asceticism of human nature, affirming the secular love life.

  The artistic achievements of the Canterbury Tales are very high, far exceeding the previous British literary works, the first example of the realism in British literary history. The work combines humor and satire, and the comedy is strong, and most of the stories are written in double rhyme poems, which have had an impact on later English literature. People figure clear, lively language. Chaucer's creation of the vibrant London dialect also laid the foundations for the English literary language. His first heroic rhyme was widely used by British poets in the future, and Chaucer was hailed as "the father of English poetry."


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