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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-26 14:38



热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 04:39


1.Because of the allowance of society,more and more gays are not hiding their sexual orientation any more,and begining to ask their own rights.There are one million gays in US.

2.I can not agree with homosexual because they did a lot of harm to the surrounding indivials.Someone above said gays enred enormous stress.And I know some of gays get married because of the stress.

3.The Brokeback Mountain was adapted from a short story which was written by American writer Annie Proulx.And the background is American Wyoming.The film said a story about the love of two American cowboys,they got married by force of social stress.The film performed the affection which has more than 20 years of the two actors from juvenility to middle age.Thus,partial entertainment media called the film "epopee of the western homosexual".
Wyoming is the smallest population in the US.
It is unsuspicious for the Brokeback Mountain to make the antetype of the story in the background of the cowboys' homosexual in Wyoming.Because Wyoming is famous for "Cowboy State" in the US.
It still retains dense air of cowboy to this day.

The name of the Brokeback Mountain has exceeded entertainment already because of the growth of culture and social meaning.
It is the symbol of homosexual.But An Lee emphasized,it symbolized the illusion of love. The tourists who visited to Wyoming is very likely to consider it like the Memory of Love instead of homosexual.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 04:40

1 Society of tolerate and make more homosexualities no longer conceal an own sex mindset, starting requesting to get the oneself's rights publicly, in the United States of homosexual the number has 100 myriad peoples about
2 I didn't approve homosexuality to return to all result in very big injury to circumferential persons to the oneself because of them
Top someone said, the homosexuality wanted to bear very big pressure
I know a part of homosexuality will be force in a certain pressure and the opposite sex matrimony to living son,
Return someone and don't get married life long, more someone suicide, or double the double die for love
3 《 breaks the arm mountain 》reorganize according to American writer Annie Qunloks's short story, the background is American Wyoming.Related two American cowboys to love each other, but force to living son in the social pressure matrimony, they played from youngly to middle age, each other of the affection lead long to pull long more than 20 years, the part amusement medium are direct to call this slice by"western region homosexual epic".
BE the minimal state in American population
《Break to carry on the back mountain 》take the same sex romance of cowboy in Wyoming as the story prototype and don't have no truth, is well-known"the cowboy state" in the United States because of keeping in mind state, still reserve strong cowboy breathing up to now.

"Break to carry on the back mountain" this name has already surmounted the amusement version now, increasing the culture and social content continuously.To most Americans, it may be the symbol of the same sex romance.LI3 AN emphasizes then it symbolize"loving vain"(the the illusion of love).The visitor who goes to Wyoming to look for to visit is very likely to be to see it"loving recollection", but the love of don't necessarily same sex.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 04:40

1 society tolerantly causes more homosexuals no longer to conceal own 性取向, starts publicly to request to obtain own rights and interests, probably has 1 million people in US'S homosexual population
2 I did not approve the homosexuality also because they all have caused the very big damage to oneself to the periphery people
Above some people had said, the homosexuality needs to withstand the very tremendous pressure
I know part of homosexuality to be able under some kind of pressure and opposite sex 结婚生子,
Some human of lifelong do not marry, some people commit suicide, or commits suicide together in the name of love in pairs
3 "Breaks Arm Mountain" to act according to American writer Anne Pu the Louck silk the short story reorganization, the background is American Wyoming State. Narrated two American cowboys to fall in love, under social pressure 结婚生子, they from young developed actually to the middle age, each other sentiment involved long amounts to for more than 20 years, the partial entertainment media by "west the homosexuality epic poem" called this piece directly.
Wyoming State
Is the American population least states
"Breaks Back Mountain" 不无道理 homogeneous affection take the Wyoming State cowboy's between as the story prototype, because the bosom state is US well-known "the cowboy state", until now still was retaining the thick cowboy breath.

"Broke the back mountain" this name now already to surmount the entertainment version, increased the culture and the social connotation unceasingly. Said to the most Americans that, it is possibly the homogeneous affection symbol. Ang Lee then stressed, it is symbolizing "unreal which loves" (the illusion of love). Goes to the tourist which Wyoming looks very to be possible is "the recollection which regards as it loves", but is love of not necessarily the homogeneous
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