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有没有介绍Isobelle Pascha的产品的帖子

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 07:41



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 20:27


The Adventures of Isobelle Pascha (AOIP)
virtually all releases have a 50/50 open or closed eye split

N/A - 1 - Euro Nymph - 2013.04.07 - 2013.04.14
NT$ 2700 (Open- or closed eyes variants / various dresses / threeA in Taipei Beast Kingdom Toys exhibition exclusive) 100 pcs

0000eanymph - Easter Nymph - 2013.03.29
$100 (super limited / 50/50 ratio open- or closed eyes)

N/A - Gay Paree - 2013.05.15 - 2013.06.01
100 (Galerie Daniel Maghen exclusive / first batch limited to 29, no further info)

0PASCHAC - 3AA exclusive Isobelle Cock-Tail - 2013.05.27
$110 (formerly known as 3AA Gentlemens Club Pascha / Random 50/50 Different eye split)

0PASCHAW - 3AA exclusive Wampi 2xet - 2013.05.27
$210 (Limited drop)

N/A - threeA SD13 Live F5 F.M.I.S CMD Edition - 2013.07.18 - 2013.07.21
$130 (SDCC 2013 exclusive / Join the 1000 Mile High Club at SDCC / 4 variants: open or closed eyes, white-ish or yellow blond)

0000SMA - Darkside of her Moon Pascha - 2013.07.18 - 2013.07.21
$120 (Bambaland exclusive / Black variant of the SD13 1000 Mile High Club Pascha)

N/A - SHH Secrete Pascha Funkake - 2013.07.28
¥10,000 (Summer Wonderfest 2013 pick-up only Goodsmile exclusive / open- or closed eyes)

N/A - threeA x BBCIN ACG Exclusive - Lizbeth Paramour - China International Comics Expo (ACG Comics & Games Expo) 2013.10.01 - 2013.10.05
RMB615 (Isobelle Pascha*s Best Friend / Limited allotment will be randomly dropped in Goodbye Voyager Lizbeth orders)

00000GBV - Goodbye Voyager Lizbeth - 2013.10.05
$110 (a C.O.O. Release / Blue color variant of threeA x BBCIN ACG Exclusive Lizbeth Paramour)

00000GBV - Lizbeth TQ - 2013.10.05
(chase figure instead of Goodbye Voyager Lizbeth)

N/A - Auroral - 2013.10.11 - 2013.10.14
$125 (threeA Legion NYCC13 exclusive)

00000MGS - Milky Ghosts Halloween Set - 2013.10.27
$200 (pre made Hello-ween release)

N/A - Ohala Bear Pascha - 2013.11.15 - 2013.11.17
AUS$100 (SupaNova Adelaida 2013 Ex-*ing-clusive / Piss Weak amount Made)

00000kap - Kuma Attack Pascha Single Blind - 2013.12.20
$110 (one of 3 Bob or 3 Ponytail variants - open or closed eyes / single Blindbox)

00000kap3p - Kuma Attack Pascha three pack - 2013.12.20
$280 (Random open and/or closed eyes)

00000kap3pp - 3AA exclusive Ponytail Kuma Attack Pascha threeway set - 2013.12.20
$280 (Random open and/or closed eyes)

00000skk - Shadow Krieger Kuma - 2013.12.20
$110 (Limited surprise drop / the rarest of all Kuma)

00000sfm - Squidy Fondle Miyu Justcosplay - 2013.12.20
$110 (Limited surprise drop)

xxxxx - XMAS Beer Girl Lizbeth Paramour - 2013.12.30 (2013.12.31 / 2014.01.02 recycles etc.)
$140 (Pre made / Limited / + 1:1 vinyl beer bottle / 5 Chase variants / First Beer Girl release)

00000AQNI - A Quiet Night In - 2013.12.31
$200 (We wore wigs didn’t we Set includes Isobelle Pascha, Lizbeth Paramour, Cammy the Cam and a G.I.D. dick)

00000AQN3AA - 3AA Exclusive A Quiet Night In - 2013.12.31
$200 (The night we were Superheroes 3AA Exclusive Set with Isobelle Pascha, Lizbeth Paramour)

00000001 - CNY Drinking Miyu - 2014.01.30
$150 (Limited Surpise drop / comes with 2 vinyl beer bottle )

00000002 - 3AA Exclusive CNY Drunk Miyu - 2014.01.30
$210 (Surprise drop / drunk eyes / comes with 6 vinyl beer bottle in ready-to-go paper bag)

0000000JR - 3AA Exclusive Juicy Racing Miyu set - 2014.03.31
$150 (Juicy Race Queen Miyu, bottle + Mini Square / sponsored by Juicy Racer Lager)

0000000JRL - Juicy Racing Liz set - 2014.03.31
$150 (Limited Surprise Drop / Juicy Racer Liz, dark Juicy Racing bottle and Mini Square)

N/A - Thailand Toy Expo 2014 Exclusive Thai Adventure Pascha - Thailand Toy Expo - 2014.05.01 - 2014.05.04
14,000 Baht / ~$433 (Sold in bundles together with Thiddy + Mighty Square / Yellow or Blue Dress)

00000000SDCCVANILLA - Vanilla Miyu Square Cosplay - 2014.07.23
$120 (Bambaland SDCC 2014 sale)

00000000SDCCSPEAR - Spearmint Miyu Square Cosplay - 2014.07.23
$120 (Bambaland SDCC 2014 sale)

00000000SDCCSINGLE - Blind Single Pascha Cyborg - 2014.07.23
$150 (Long hair Pascha (Vol.2), Miyu, Lizbeth or Pony til Pascha blindboxed / Bambaland SDCC 2014 sale)

00000000SDCC4PACK - Four Pack Pascha Cyborg - 2014.07.23
$550 (Long hair Pascha (Vol.2), Miyu, Lizbeth + Pony tail Pascha / Each Iso Cyborg comes with 5 hands and two pairs of shoes / Bambaland SDCC 2014 sale)

00000000SDCC3AAIT - 3AA SDCC 2014 set - 2014.07.23
$460 (1x Iron Man GE + 1x World of Pascha Cyborg / 1x Cosplay Square Miyu + 1x Exclusive 3A SDCC Poster / SDCC 2014 Bambaland sale)

N/A - IDW Publishing SDCC2014 exclusive Paschaborg 001 - 2014.07.07 preorder for SDCC 2014 pick up: 2014.07.24 - 2014.07.27
$150 (presale via shop.idwpublishing.com / one per customer) 100 pcs

N/A - Toy Tokyo SDCC2014 exclusive Choco Miyu Square Cosplay - 2014.07.24 - 2014.07.27
$xx (50 Milk Choco / 50 Dark Choco) 100 pcs

0000000000WFB - Transparant Blue Cyborg Pascha - 2014.07.27
$150 (Limited Summer Wonderfest 2014 Surprise Drop)

0000000DPS - Obedience Training Set - 2014.08.18
$200 (Liz in her adventure gear, and Iso in the furry fun suit!)

00000000LRCD - 3AA exclusive Liz Race Car Driver - 2014.08.18
$110 (with Bone / Catsuit Liz)

00000000LS - LAB-RA-DORÉ Set - 2014.08.18
$200 (Surprise Drop / Liz in her white non stick dress, and Iso in the LAB-RA-DORE bone hunter get up!)

00000000LVH - F1FP VRROOOOOM Liz - 2014.08.18
$110 (Surprise Drop / F1FP Suit / Helmeted Head / with Bone)
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