发布时间:2022-11-16 18:12
时间:2024-09-22 15:54
Science and technology-push fails to account for market conditions, while demand-pull ignores technological capabilities. Following the critical responses to both arguments, weaker versions of each were used to support the claim that bothsupply and demand side factors are necessary to explain innovation. But it is not simply that both factors contribute; they also interact
(Arthur, 2007) . Demand-pull and technology-push are “Necessary, but not sufficient, for innovation to result; both must exist simultaneously” (Mowery and Rosenberg, 1979). Similarly, Kleinknecht and Verspagen (1990) found statistical anomalies in the work of Schmookler (1962)that led them to a much weaker estimation of the role of demand; they too emphasized the role of the combination of demand-pull and technology-push. In a survey of 40 innovations, Freeman (1974) found that successful innovations showed the ability to connect, or “couple” a technical opportunity with a market opportunity. Pavitt (1984) showed that instry specific attributes affect the relative importance of each. Often, adoption of one technology depends upon complementary innovations and the potential of one may stimulate investment in the other(Mowery and Rosenberg, 1989). Under this model, cumulativeness, networks, and feedback effects loom large. With this emphasis on interactions, the rection of the innovation process to two causal factors proved limiting, and their use in the literature subsequently abated.
时间:2024-09-22 15:54
时间:2024-09-22 15:55