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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-19 12:51



热心网友 时间:2024-05-22 20:34

hd 是 hard drive ,硬盘驱动器的意思。
sd 是 scsci drive ,scsi接口的驱动器。



By convention, IDE drives where given device names /dev/hdato /dev/hdd. Hard Drive A( /dev/hda) is the first drive and Hard Drive C( /dev/hdc) is the third.
A typical PC has two IDE controllers, each of which can have two drives connected to it. For example, /dev/hdais the first drive (master) on the first IDE controller and /dev/hddis the second (slave) drive on the second controller (the fourth IDE drive in the computer).
So, typically, a computer with IDE controller can accomodate 4 drives: /dev/hda (primary master), /dev/hdb (primary slave), /dev/hdc (secondary master), /dev/hdd (secondary slave). Some (rare) Mother Boards have more than two controllers, some addition cards can also have controllers, these are numbered following the alphabet, but one have to figure out what real names are given for his particular hardware.


Now all the rotating hard drives uses the same names as the old SCSI controllers, that is "s" in place of "h", so /dev/sda, and so on. The number of drives depends on the number of controllers on the Mother Board or the extended boards. Usually 4 are available. What will be the number of a drive is up to the controller card and the way it's read by the kernel, so difficult to say at first.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-22 20:34


热心网友 时间:2024-05-22 20:35


热心网友 时间:2024-05-22 20:34

hd 是 hard drive ,硬盘驱动器的意思。
sd 是 scsci drive ,scsi接口的驱动器。



By convention, IDE drives where given device names /dev/hdato /dev/hdd. Hard Drive A( /dev/hda) is the first drive and Hard Drive C( /dev/hdc) is the third.
A typical PC has two IDE controllers, each of which can have two drives connected to it. For example, /dev/hdais the first drive (master) on the first IDE controller and /dev/hddis the second (slave) drive on the second controller (the fourth IDE drive in the computer).
So, typically, a computer with IDE controller can accomodate 4 drives: /dev/hda (primary master), /dev/hdb (primary slave), /dev/hdc (secondary master), /dev/hdd (secondary slave). Some (rare) Mother Boards have more than two controllers, some addition cards can also have controllers, these are numbered following the alphabet, but one have to figure out what real names are given for his particular hardware.


Now all the rotating hard drives uses the same names as the old SCSI controllers, that is "s" in place of "h", so /dev/sda, and so on. The number of drives depends on the number of controllers on the Mother Board or the extended boards. Usually 4 are available. What will be the number of a drive is up to the controller card and the way it's read by the kernel, so difficult to say at first.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-22 20:34


热心网友 时间:2024-05-22 20:35

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