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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 06:21



热心网友 时间:2023-09-07 00:11

3,wasn't 改为was.
5,Maria 改为Maria's.
7,or 改为and.
8,in the night 改为on the night.
9,asking 改为asked.
10, to wrote 改为to write.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-07 00:11

Maria (loves) to look at the star.And when the night was (clear),she would do that.Maria's father wasn't (mind) with her interest.He even (gave) her a telescope so that she could see the stars better.(Maria's) interest (to) the stars (was growing).She watched the stars more (and) more.She spent many time looking at the sky.At half past ten in the night of October (1st),1847,she found a new comet.Soon she was (asked) to (write) books about stars.She was ecen asked to teach about them.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-07 00:12

Maria loved to look at the (stars).And when the night was (clear),she would do that.Maria's father (was) pleased with her interest.He even (gave) her a telescope so that she could see the stars better.Maria (was interested) in the stars grew.She watched the stars more (and) more.She spent (much) time looking at the sky.At half past ten in the night of October (1st),1847,she found a new comet.Soon she (was asked) to (write) books about stars.She was even asked to teach about them.
太平盛世专辑曲目 梦见自家灶台缺个角 如何看待宝马3系? - 知乎 为什么缺爱的女人婚姻难幸福快乐 求一些好看的架空言情小说,最好是以第一人称为视角的。小白文请绕。 带双目相机的无人机有哪些 禄莱1982年后 工业3d相机国内有哪些靠谱的厂商,特别是在阳光和弱光环境 海康全新双目单线相机 | 消盲区、抑杂光,引领3D检测新突破 10米范围内实现零盲区大FoV深度测量,奥比中光发布Gemini 2双目... 作文素材高学历者应不应该去基层工作书信格式? LOL新英雄永恩技能介绍:不愧是亚索的哥哥,大招好强啊! 给推荐几个好的ps的教程和素材网站吧! 初中英语! 高中生如何写好议论文? lol永恩是谁 求PS的教程和素材 He was also还是He also was? 求ps 的教程和素材教程不再多在于精,要求那种从最初级开始学习的我想... 如何评价LOL新英雄永恩? 以高学历劳动者为话题作文 Photoshop教程及素材 linux移植到arm上后,接着驱动程序该如何开发? 求PS教程与素材。 关于高学历能否找到好工作的英语作文 Java开发和arm+linux开发,我该选择哪一个? 关于ec的英语小短文,谁可以为我提供几份 以“高学历与高素质,你怎么看两者间的关系?”为话题,写一篇500字演讲稿。 亲们,帮帮忙,急用啊~~~! 情绪障碍的英文,情绪障碍的翻译,怎么用英语翻译情绪 ARM与Linux是什么关系?ARM本身已经有Linux了,还是需要往里烧写Linux? 谁可以教一下PS这种素材怎么制作 求作文:难忘博雅校园 要高中的 800字 急!!! 想自学ps,有没有关于ps的全套教学教程(包含素材)? 我理想中的高级中学 作文 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急!! lol永恩技能怎么加点-永恩技能天赋加点攻略 ps 教程及素材 谁能帮我翻译下这段英文?一定要通顺 原创作文:拥有高学历之后还缺少什么 Photoshop视频教程全套打包,含素材的。哪有? 为什么永恩后期伤害那么高? 请求翻译!! 2000明流投影仪投多大幕清楚 LOL:新英雄永恩,暴走厮杀45人!秀翻全场,这就是永恩的恐怖! 谁有PS比较酷炫的案例教程,有成品图和素材图,有视频更好,多谢。有好的追加悬赏 我想自己系统地学一下photoshop,不知道要从哪里找ps素材和ps教程之类的东西 投影仪,一个是1000流明1080P的 一个是2000流明1280P的。选哪个? LOL 新英雄永恩的来临就是为了终结亚索的时代? ps 教程和素材包打包下载 《英雄联盟》永恩和亚索,论吸血方面谁更厉害?