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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-30 05:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 21:17

Xiqiao many different bamboo in the mountains, especially in the famous square bamboo.

Small square bamboo plant type, color Molv, slender leaves, stem and branches in a little round side, it Yongshou Nie, a clear sense of a square, into a square cross-section. As the density has caused, elegant shape, suitable for potted plants, is viewing the treasures.

This is the first bamboo legend of a man's heart Kennedy cultivate up, Kennedy does not mind people who planted it very difficult to live.

Saying a long time ago, the mountains are a pair of young men and women in love, they Duige Regards, Micronesia set for life. But the woman's family is the snobbish family home, abandoned by men have been on firewood. When men marry him home to the woman, mother of the woman was stopped at the entrance to sing:

Mo is not going to spend boots,
Mo Li Fu is not wood.
Unless the world changes in the mountains,
Bamboo Chengfang to send to women.

Kennedy is a man of heart, he listened to the call is determined to change bamboo side.

In his own huts download a bamboo tree, bamboo, sooner or later force in the pinch for a while. Pinch pinch you, Niele Yi, bamboo under the cut-off changed the side, but on or cut-off round. You pinch the pinch, pinch two years, the bamboo pole on the side of the cut-off change, but also to restore the cut-off round. Penny not to pinch, the woman's mother to daughter to a Guan Jia Xu. In the palanquin pass on the way, that woman in the car, a long heavy sigh and said out suicide.

Men are very indignant, the studio under the bamboo trees pulled up with it when the monks into the Buddhist temple went.

The young monk's meditation hall every day to sell their expertise, every day of the new Niezhuoyanxia shift the bamboo tree. After more than ten books read back, back to a hundred, a thousand times, a pinch of bamboo 10, 20 or 30 years. Finally, a square of bamboo in the wind around cigarettes appear, slender shape, color Molv pole. Later, long out of the side's Hsinchu also.

Monk neatly put on the scarf, and devotion to the bamboo from a Buddhist temple in the pre-transplant woman's grave.

Bamboo side in the cemetery, open to the propagation, the slope is covered with Ling Ling Po. Shan Liren see it as a symbol of the faithful.

Since then, the mountains are so accustomed to a: man woman to marry him, a woman in the home planted in front of a square bamboo, that their faithful
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