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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-01 10:43



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 06:02


  After the final exam, I walked out of the examination room and found that the sky was blue, the grass was green, and my mood was relaxed and happy. Looking back on the math test, I was afraid that I would get a training from my mother if I didn't get the full mark. I still remember the mid-term examination, I did not know how many times, but I still did not notice that I confused "from small to large" and "from large to small", and I was dected one point, and now I still have a scar in my heart. In the final exam, I was nervous and excited. What's nervous is that if I lose my score again, I will be scolded alive; what's exciting is that if I do well in the exam, my father will surely give me a big meal, and my mother will certainly be very happy. After the Chinese test, I feel good, should be able to get a good score, will not smear the class. As for English, it's my "Mastery skill". I usually get 100 points. I should be able to do it this time. I'm pulling my fingers, and I'm "calculating precisely.". After a while, I began to care about my prize again: "if I pass the exam, what will my parents invite me to eat?"? Fried chicken drumsticks? Hamburger? Fried shark fin? French fries? " I couldn't help swallowing.


  However, new year's life, new year's plan, I decided to make a "perfect plan" for myself:


  1. Read a lot of extracurricular books, newspapers and magazines every day. Let me have more and more knowledge, let me have more and more knowledge, let me be closer to my ideal.


  Let me tell you, today, I read a beautiful article in the book "the essence of current literature": the girl's mind. I will read more books and understand more truth in the future.


  2. I want to focus on my study, constantly review and preview my lessons, so that I can become a "serious worker" and go further in my study.


  President Tao Xing once said that learning is the source of all the vitality. We are students. Seeking knowledge is our main task. Yes, with knowledge, we can better benefit the society in the future. I will keep in mind that there is no end to learning and no end to learning.


  3. Keep a diary every day. A diary can record what we have done all day. It has been said in Chinese books that "keeping a diary" is a good habit. Let's keep a diary every day!


  I believe that as long as we read more books, keep more diaries and learn more knowledge, we will be able to achieve excellent results in the future!
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