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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-31 08:17



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 02:54

  "Every dog should have a boy", I did not write the counter-you read that right, this is amovie in the genius dog glasses said, at DreamWorks work, will really be convinced by theirextraordinary imagination, a dog romance through the journey, this is a totallyextraordinary stories!
  Genius glasses dog to I of stunning, does not is this Department movie plot Shang how of subversion, that eventually only as one movie of stunt, and is this is one real nice has connotation of works, actually Hollywood animation this told extreme intensified of of similar movie very more, like snail racing hand, mouse big kitchen, Hollywood animation has been very at will this seemingly outrageous extremely of things, through fanciful of phenomenon, show in animation among, and genius glasses dog Maximum of shackles is how to breakthrough dog parent people child such a even in movie in the are hard was ordinary by accept of topic, dog dad Peabody Mr of crisis also is stems from this Shang, so movie in the side through repeatedly stressed Peabody Mr was amazing of talent and Peabody Mr adoptions Sherman experience of warmth memories, another side villain social survey member to with away from Sherman left Peabody Mr for movie of tension, Director Luobo·mingkefu in genius glasses dog in the show with as he of similar works Elf rat brother Cleverly made the worldaccept mice is a member of the family, and quotable movies way graally to accept theseemingly outrageous tales, even when the movie was over the crowd chanting "my dog!"Endearingly to in no way or not, but rather a heart touching.
  This Department dream factory animation of another a big watch, is to time machine for plot development of movie mainline, although Hollywood animation theme of family brand not variable, but France revolution, and ancient Egypt Pharaoh, and Troy of war, and Renaissance Shi of Leonardo da Vinci and Mona Lisa, and even last of Washington, movie in very good of build has pair dog dad people child of selling Hou, on several occasions through spatio-temporal into to those world are familiar of story in the, all laugh points full, was full with unknown of surprise, And as once success shaped Lions King Simba, Elf rat brother tuyate of Luobo·mingkefu, although he guide of number Department reality movie mediocre no odd, but the Director in will animal personification Shang extraordinary of talent, as star you in the are Professor genius glasses dog skin Boddy Mr of shaped, only said this a role will became Luobo·mingkefu hands was world by bearing in mind of third bit animation characters.
  Dog dad father deep, DreamWorks once again break the sky, this is still a charm for all agesall ages.
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