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my vacation英语作文初一带翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-31 12:21



热心网友 时间:2023-02-16 16:48

  假期你都用来做什么了呢?是出去玩,还是为自己充电呢?下面我精心整理了my vacation的英语作文,供大家参考,希望你们喜欢!

  my vacation的英语作文1

  National Day is the birthday of our party. It’s on the first day of October. It is my happy day, because I don’t need to go to school and have a rest for seven days. And my parents will take my elder sister and me out to play on national day every year. This year my parents took us to amusement park. Having breakfast, we set out. When we arrived the destiny, it has already 11o’clock. So we had to have lunch and then entered the park. We played lot of things, such as giant wheel, spacewalk,sea rover and so on. I like play sea rover the most. At first, I despised of it. But when the ship started to shake, I was afraid to death. I had to shout out to relieve my fears. When we got down on the ground, I found that my sister was pale around the gills. She said she would never play this again. But I felt excited, though I was a little afraid of it. I would play it again next time. It was a exciting and happy holiday. I will memorize it forever.


  my vacation的英语作文2

  I’m looking forward to the coming of my winter holiday. In order to have a good time in the vacation, I have made a plan for it. At first, my mother must ask me to do homework. If I don’t follow her words, I wouldn’t have peace in the following days until I finish my homework. So the first thing I will do in the winter holiday is to finish my homework. And then I will take full use of my time to go out play with my friends, because I will have to help my mother to prepare for the Spring Festival when it’s in the corner. Three days before Spring Festival, I will go to my grandmother’s home for a visit with my parents. After the Spring Festival I am going to travel with my family. As for where to go, I don’t have any plan now. Maybe we will go to Harbin to the snow. Being the southern local person, I have never seen snow and eager to see it once. After the trip, I think I have to go back to school. This is my plan for the coming winter vacation. What’s yours?


  my vacation的英语作文3

  When National Day comes, I Feel so excited, it is not because I will have a vacation, but also I have many plans. I have made some plans for the vacation, I want to relax myself and find some interesting to do. I learn that there will be a lot of people going out, but I will choose some places that are less people to go, anyway, I have two plans on the seven days’ vacation.


  First, I will go to visit my grandparents. My grandparents live in the countryside, and it is the place where I grow up. I miss the place so much, I want to spend more time with my grandparents, they are a little old now. I also like to see the countryside’s scenery, the trees are so green and the water is so clean, I enjoy the time when I stay with my grandparents.


  Second, I will join my friend’s wedding. I received my junior middle school classmate’s wedding note a week ago, I feel so happy for her, she asks me to be her bridesmaid, I feel it a honor to be her bridesmaid.


  I can’t wait for my vacation now, I have bought the ticket to go home, it will be a wonderful holiday.


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