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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-02 22:33



热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 10:16

Shining Friends
歌手:Fiche Fung&Mathilde Chan&Peggy Lee 专辑:TV MAGIC

A little faith Brightens a rainy day
小小的信念 照亮那下雨天
Life is difficult you can't go away
Don't hide yourselve in the corner
You have my place to stay
Sorrow is gonna say goodbye
Opens up You'll see the happy sunshine
张开眼睛 你会看见快乐的阳光
Keep going on with your dream
Chasing tomorrow's sunrise
The spirit can never die
Sun will shine, my friend
Won't let you cry, my dear
Seeing you shed a tear Make my world disappear
你的一滴眼泪 都会让我的世界灰暗
You'll never be alone in darkness
See my smile, my friend
We are with you, holding hands
you have got to believe, you are my destiny
We're meant to be your friends
That's what a friendship be
§moon river§
moon river, wider than a mile
i'm crossing you in style some day
oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
wherever you're goin', i'm goin' your way
two drifters, off to see the world
there's such a lot of world to see
we're after the same rainbow's end, waitin''round the bend
my huckleberry friend, moon river, and me
(moon river, wider than a mile)
(i'm crossin' you in style some day)
oh, dream maker, you heart breaker
wherever you're goin', i'm goin' your way
two drifters, off to see the world
there's such a lot of world to see
we're after that same rainbow's end, waitin''round the bend
my huckleberry friend, moon river, and me
§Over the Rainbow§
somewhere over the rainbow way up high
there's a land that i heard of once in a lullaby
somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue
and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true
someday i wish upon a star
and wake up where the clouds are far behind me
where troubles smelled like lemon drops
way above the chimney tops
that's where you'll find me
somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly
birds fly over the rainbow
why then, oh why can't i?

if happy little blue birds fly beyong the rainbow
why, oh why can't i ?

Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil.
The first seed said, "I want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earth's crust above me…. I want to unfurl my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring… I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my petals!"
And so she grew.
The second seed said, "I am afraid. If I send my roots into the ground below, I don't know what I will encounter in the dark. If I push my way through the hard soil above me I may damage my delicate sprouts…. what if I let my buds open and a snail tries to eat them? And if I were to open my blossoms, a small child may pull me from the ground. No, it is much better for me to wait until it is safe."
And so she waited.
A yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and promptly ate it.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Those of us who refuse to risk and grow get swallowed up by life.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 10:17

歌曲:春天在哪里小燕子雪绒花铃儿响叮当 四季童趣
A long time ago, a child was born to a queen and king and she was called Snow White. When the queen died, the king married again. This new queen was wicked and hated Snow white. The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.
Snow White grew very beautiful and one day a Prince riding by, saw her at work and fell in love with her.
The queen was beautiful too, and every day she asked her Magic Mirror, "Who is the fairest in the land?" and the mirror always answered, "You are the fairest one of all".
But one day the mirror answered Snow White was the fairest in the land, and in a rage the queen gave orders to one of her Huntsmen to take Snow White into the woods and kill her.
The Huntsman had a kind heart and couldn't do the deed so told her to run away. She fled into the woods where Seven little dwarfs lived. Their house was small and strange.
Snow White entered the little house and finding it very untidy, started to clean up. Upstairs she found seven little beds. She was very tired and stretching out on one of the beds, was soon asleep.
When the Dwarfs came home they were surprised to find Snow White and after some argument, decided to let her stay. She promised to cook and look after them.
The Queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch, took a poisoned apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage. She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple, she sank into unconsciousness.
Thinking she was dead, the Dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she lay in the forest in her glass coffin. One day, the Prince was riding through the forest looking for Snow White and found her. He leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. Everyone was happy. The Prince took Snow White to his palace where they were married and lived happily ever after.
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