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Chapter 1(1)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-13 13:34



热心网友 时间:2024-12-15 05:45

1. la‧goon

n. [C] / lə'ɡuːn ; ləˋgun /英 / lə'ɡuːn /

a lake of sea water that is partly separated from the sea by rocks, sand, or coral 潟湖,环礁湖

2. trail

v. / treɪl ; trel /

[I,T] to pull something behind you, especially along the ground, or to be pulled in this way 拖,拉;拖在后面

A plane trailing a banner was circling overhead.


3. clamber

v. [I always + adv/prep] / 'klæmbə ; ˋklæmbɚ /

to climb or move slowly somewhere, using your hands and feet because it is difficult or steep 〔手脚并用费力地〕攀登,爬

4. creep‧er

n. [C] / 'kriːpə ; ˋkripɚ / 英 / 'kriːpə /

a plant that grows up trees or walls, or along the ground 攀缘[匍匐]植物

5. undergrowth

n. [U] / 'ʌndəɡrəʊθ ; ˋʌndɚ͵groθ /

英 / 'ʌndəɡrəʊθ /

bushes, small trees, and other plants growing around and under bigger trees 〔长在大树下或周边的〕下木层,下层灌木丛

6. pat‧ter

v. [I] / 'pætə ; ˋpætɚ /英 / 'pætə /

if something, especially water, patters, it makes quiet sounds as it keeps hitting a surface lightly and quickly 发出急速的轻拍声

[+ on ]

rain pattering on the window panes


7. mul‧ti‧tude

n. / 'mʌltɪtjuːd 'mʌltətjuːd ; ˋmʌltə͵tud /

英 / 'mʌltɪtjuːd /

a multitude of sb/sth

a very large number of people or things formal or literary 众多[大量]的人/事物 【正式或文】

8. jerk

v.[I,T] to pull something suddenly and roughly 急拉,猛抽

She jerked open the car door and got out.


9. twig

/twɪɡ/  CET6+ TEM4


A twig is a very small thin branch that grows out from a main branch of a tree or bush. 细枝

There is the bird, sitting on a twig halfway up the tree.


10. wind‧break‧er

n. [C] ( wind‧cheat‧er ) / 'wɪnd‚breɪkə ; ˋwɪnd͵brekɚ / 【美】

a type of coat that protects you from the wind 风衣,防风上衣

11. thorn

n. / θɔːn ; θɔrn /

①[C] a sharp point that grows on the stem of a plant such as a rose 〔玫瑰等植物茎上的〕刺

②[C,U] a bush or tree that has thorns 带刺的灌木,荆棘

a long, low hedge of thorns


12. meg‧a‧phone

n. / 'meɡəfəʊn ; ˋmɛgə͵fon /

英 / 'meɡəfəʊn /

[C] a piece of equipment like a large horn which you talk through to make your voice sound louder, when you are speaking to a crowd 扩音器,喇叭筒,传声筒


n.CLIFF 悬崖

a cliff on the side of a mountain BrE 悬崖,峭壁,陡岩坡 【英】

14. reef

n. [C] / riːf ; rif /英 / riːf /

a line of sharp rocks, often made of coral , or a raised area of sand near the surface of the sea 礁;礁脉

15. off‧hand

adj. / ‚ɒf'hænd ; ͵ɔfˋhænd /

英 / ‚ɒf'hænd /

not very friendly towards someone when you are talking to them BrE 〔说话〕漫不经心的,简慢的 【英】

She said you were a bit offhand with her this afternoon.


16. stand on one's head


17. prof‧fer

v. [T] / 'prɒfə ; ˋprɑfɚ / formal 【正式】

英 / 'prɒfə /

①to offer something to someone, especially by holding it out in your hands 端给;递给

Sarah took the glass proffered by the attendant.


proffer sb sth

Poirot proffered him a cigarette.


②to give someone advice, an explanation etc 提出〔建议、解释等〕

18. vaguely

/ˈveɪglɪ/  TEM4

ADV Vaguely means to some degree but not to a very large degree. 有点儿

The voice on the line was vaguely familiar, but Crook couldn't place it at first.


19. asth‧ma

n. [U] / ˈæsmə ; ˋæzmə /英 / ˈæsmə /

a medical condition that causes difficulties in breathing 气喘;哮喘(病)

20. grub‧by

adj. / 'ɡrʌbi ; ˋgrʌbɪ /

英 / 'ɡrʌbi /

fairly dirty 肮脏的,邋遢的

a grubby handkerchief

21.  con‧tour

n. [C] / 'kɒntʊə ; ˋkɑntur /英 / 'kɒntʊə /

the shape of the outer edges of something such as an area of land or someone’s body 外形;轮廓

the contours of the hills


the contours of her face


22. smear


[T always + adv/prep] to spread a liquid or soft substance over a surface, especially in a careless or untidy way 〔尤指粗心或胡乱地〕涂,抹〔液体或酱状物〕

23. wade

v. [I always + adv/prep, T] / weɪd ; wed /

英 / weɪd /

to walk through water that is not deep 蹚(水),涉(水)

24. crouch

v. [I] / kraʊtʃ ; krautʃ /

英 / kraʊtʃ /

kneel 跪;crouch 蹲下;squat 蹲坐CROUCH 蹲下

( also 又作 crouch down )

to lower your body close to the ground by bending your knees completely 蹲下;蹲伏

→ squat

He crouched in the shadows near the doorway.


25. tangle

/ˈtæŋɡəl/  CET6 TEM4

(tangling, tangled, tangles)


A tangle of something is a mass of it twisted together in a messy way. 乱糟糟的一团

A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems.


②V-T/V- I

If something is tangled or tangles, it becomes twisted together in a messy way. 使缠结; 缠结

Animals get tangled in fishing nets and drown.


26. dis‧en‧tan‧gle

v. [T] / ‚dɪsɪn'tæŋɡ ə l ‚dɪsən'tæŋɡ ə l ; ͵dɪsɪnˋtæŋgḷ /

英 / ‚dɪsɪn'tæŋɡ ə l /

① to separate different ideas or pieces of information that have become confused together 理顺,分清〔混杂的不同观念或信息〕

It’s very difficult to disentangle fact from fiction in what she’s saying.


②disentangle yourself (from sb/sth)

to escape from a difficult situation that you are involved in 〔从困境中〕解脱出来

She had just disentangled herself from a long relationship.


27. grunt

v. / ɡrʌnt ; grʌnt /

英 / ɡrʌnt /

①[I,T] to make short sounds or say a few words in a rough voice, when you do not want to talk 〔在不愿意讲话时〕发出哼声;嘟哝着说

He just grunted and carried on reading his book.


②[I] if a person or animal grunts, they make short low sounds in their throat 发出咕噜声

Grunting with effort, she lifted me up.

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