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请帮忙把下面这句话翻译成英语: 今天出货的产品检验报告见附件

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-11 21:31



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 11:37

Attached please find the inspection report for shipment today

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 11:37

Shipment of proct test reports today Annex

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 11:38

please find attached the inspection report for the cargos we sold today

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 11:38

Attached is the QC Report of today's shipment

Most of the quotation of the order in the attachment is previously used. For those items(projects) which have not been quoted before please refer to the quotation list enclosed. Please read through and check!




and made minor adjustment to fishing companies' Dolphin-safe fishing company policy according to the conditions of our company (refer to attachment). We are able to confirm the details described in the attachment. Please take time to review the ...


Thank you for your payment.But we didn't receive the bank notice for receiving. We would confirm with you once we get this amount. Attached PDF Account Checklist is for your reference.


Sorry that my colleague is off today. Please refer to the attachement for the invoice you need, and for the FWD, you can only get it until next Monday when he is back.


你好 提单的货描部分有修改,修改内容见附件。The descriptions of the goods in the B/L have been revised, pls refer to the attachment.~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

请外贸前辈帮我把 下面一段文字,翻译成英语。(外贸)

Carton printing said to me, outside the box sizes too small (see appendix picture). The red box with the content, in print, and then stick adhesive paper in the cartons.The inside case marks printing two sides, outside the box marks printing all around. Some of the marks ...

请求外贸专业人员英语翻译。内容如下: 请见附件是最终的出货资料,涂...

Please refer to the attached document for the shipping information, in which the revised content were highlighted in red color. The due balance of this order is US$1,500 (US$3,000 - US$1,500), please arrange the money transfer at your earliest conveniences.外贸达人专业写作,...


that lose some money.Please take belief to me.We have no orders from you in our hand except the three contains of goods that have been already.I will send you the information and pictures to you as attached.The pictures which I sent to you yesterday are the different molds....


2. The label for the record or manufacturer qualification Open to booking a packing list need to submit documents 1. The product food labeling word inspection application form (each product a, fill out the signature and seal of the signature and seal) (see attachment 1)2. The ...


This batch product is in shortage of 25 pcs clothes due to color difference problem. We have tried several methods to repaired but unfortunately failed, pls.see attached pics.Could I send you one sample to check whether customer can accepted with discount? If we make new ones, ...

什么时候出货英语怎么说 外贸出货英语 正常出货的英文是什么 出货的英文单词怎么写 出货文件英文 担保出货的英文怎么说 出货日期的英文怎么写 句子的英语 英语基本对话1000句
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