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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-11 17:15



热心网友 时间:2024-08-14 11:17

1。-->2。 Well, that was wonderful, But you know who else likes to sing? I'll give you a hint, she's a little girl in the woods, and we've all known her since childhood. She loves to sing while going to her grandmother's house, little did she know that her voice attracted terrible danger. Little Red Riding Hood everybody!

2-->3, Great show, great show, now that everybody's comfortable and relaxed, let's speed things up with some Salsa (latin dancing)

3-->4. Dance is an art of passion, but it's not the only thing we are passionate about. History, burned into our minds and etched into our school, can send our blood boiling by just a shadow of its dark past. In aiming towards a better future, let's not forget what brought us to what we are today, please enjoy the play, <王二小>

4-->5 plays are great forms of artistic expression, but the gymnasts are not to be beat, they've devised a performed and they are determined to show the actors up.

5-->6, wow, wasn't that marvelous, but the actors and actresses refuse to be beat, so they've come up with another play that will have you glued to your seats, ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy 猴子捞月

6-->7 These dramas have been around since most of you in the audience were kids, though heartwarming, they are not as riveting as what we bring to you next: street dancing, Elementary school style

7-->8, That was a great show, but you've been sitting here a while, I'm sure that your feet are getting numb, so get up, get down and join in for our next event, apple bobbing

8-->9, I hope you enjoyed your time here, I know that I certainly did, so let's end this day by giving the stage and the last performance to those without whom none of this would be possible, the staff. And they will be presenting something they have been teaching us this whole time, pride, pride for being Chinese.
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