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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 08:50



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 14:35

Hi,everyone!My name is … and I come from ….In addition,My hobby is playing basketball,inquire into the history and surfing the Internet.My Favorite basketball player is …,my favorite historical figure is …,and my favorite Network celebrity are … and ….What'more,I often listen to the music and my idol is…!finally,because of my poor English,I don't say more!I hope I can get on well with scholmates in future!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 14:35

Hello everybody!My name is ***. My interest is playing basketball , exploring history and surfing on-line .My idol of basketball is ***,and *** is my idol of history,besides, my idol of internet is *** and ***.I often listen to the music .I like *** and *** very much! Because my English is poor,I don't want to say much.I hope that I can get along with you!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 14:36

Hello,everyone!I'm *** ,from **.I like playing basketball,discusing history questions with friends and surfing Internet.My idol of basketball is ***,of history is ***,in addition, ** and *** are my Internet idol.Besides,I also often listening to music,and my idol are *** and ***!Because of my poor English,I won't say much more.I hope I can get along with you well!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 14:36

Hello everybody, my name is *** from **, my interest is playing basketball, of history and the Internet! Basketball idol is a ***, historical idols is ***, ** and *** the network icon is. Usually also often listen to music, my idol is *** and ***! Since my English is not good, I do not want to say! Hope to live in harmony with the students!
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