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Tennessee Stud 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-05 05:30



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 18:56

歌曲名:Tennessee Stud
歌手:Jay Boy Adams
专辑:Fork In The Road

Along about eighteen, twenty-five
I left Tennessee very much alive
I never would've made it through the Arkansas mud
If I hadn't been ridin'g on the Tennessee Stud
Had a trouble with my sweetheart's Pa
One of her brothers was a bad outlaw
I sent her a letter about my Uncle Fudd
And I rode away on the Tennessee Stud
The Tennessee Stud was long and lean
The color of the sun and his eyes were green
He had the nerve and he had the blood
And there never was a horse like Tennessee Stud
We drifted on down into no man's land
Across that river called, Rio Grande
I raced my horse with the Spaniard's foe
'Til I got me a skin full of silver and gold
Now me and the gambler, we couldn't agree
We got in a fight over Tennessee
We jurked our guns and he fell with a thud
We rode right back across Arkansas
I whupped her brother and I whupped her Pa
When I found that girl with the golden hair
She was ridin' that Tennessee Mare
Now there's a little baby on the cabin floor
A little horse colt playin' out the door
I loved the girl with the golden hair
And the Tennessee Stud loves the Tennessee Mare

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