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work up什么意思

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-05 09:04



热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 02:23

work up,英语短语,意思为逐步建立;逐步发展;激发;整理。

PHRASAL VERB 使(自己)心烦意乱(或气愤)

If you work yourself up, you make yourself feel very upset or angry about something.

She worked herself up into a bit of a state...


PHRASAL VERB 激发(热情);鼓起(勇气)

If you work up the enthusiasm or courage to do something, you succeed in making yourself feel it.

Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy...


PHRASAL VERB 使自己出(汗);激起(食欲)

If you work up a sweat or an appetite, you make yourself sweaty or hungry by doing exercise or hard work.

You can really work up a sweat doing housework...


PHRASAL VERB 准备,撰写(文章等)

If you work up something such as a piece of writing, you spend time and effort preparing it.

I sketched the layout of a prototype store and worked up a business plan...


热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 02:23

work up,英语短语,意思为逐步建立;逐步发展;激发;整理。

PHRASAL VERB 使(自己)心烦意乱(或气愤)

If you work yourself up, you make yourself feel very upset or angry about something.

She worked herself up into a bit of a state...


PHRASAL VERB 激发(热情);鼓起(勇气)

If you work up the enthusiasm or courage to do something, you succeed in making yourself feel it.

Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy...


PHRASAL VERB 使自己出(汗);激起(食欲)

If you work up a sweat or an appetite, you make yourself sweaty or hungry by doing exercise or hard work.

You can really work up a sweat doing housework...


PHRASAL VERB 准备,撰写(文章等)

If you work up something such as a piece of writing, you spend time and effort preparing it.

I sketched the layout of a prototype store and worked up a business plan...


热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 02:23

work up,英语短语,意思为逐步建立;逐步发展;激发;整理。

PHRASAL VERB 使(自己)心烦意乱(或气愤)

If you work yourself up, you make yourself feel very upset or angry about something.

She worked herself up into a bit of a state...


PHRASAL VERB 激发(热情);鼓起(勇气)

If you work up the enthusiasm or courage to do something, you succeed in making yourself feel it.

Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy...


PHRASAL VERB 使自己出(汗);激起(食欲)

If you work up a sweat or an appetite, you make yourself sweaty or hungry by doing exercise or hard work.

You can really work up a sweat doing housework...


PHRASAL VERB 准备,撰写(文章等)

If you work up something such as a piece of writing, you spend time and effort preparing it.

I sketched the layout of a prototype store and worked up a business plan...


热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 02:23

work up,英语短语,意思为逐步建立;逐步发展;激发;整理。

PHRASAL VERB 使(自己)心烦意乱(或气愤)

If you work yourself up, you make yourself feel very upset or angry about something.

She worked herself up into a bit of a state...


PHRASAL VERB 激发(热情);鼓起(勇气)

If you work up the enthusiasm or courage to do something, you succeed in making yourself feel it.

Your creative talents can also be put to good use, if you can work up the energy...


PHRASAL VERB 使自己出(汗);激起(食欲)

If you work up a sweat or an appetite, you make yourself sweaty or hungry by doing exercise or hard work.

You can really work up a sweat doing housework...


PHRASAL VERB 准备,撰写(文章等)

If you work up something such as a piece of writing, you spend time and effort preparing it.

I sketched the layout of a prototype store and worked up a business plan...


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