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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-29 19:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 14:31

Water-sprinkling festival began
Located in the picturesque xishuang banna the lantsang river, all around the green hills is subtropical thick. lanshi

Surging river near south out of the country, is the famous the Mekong river.
Xishuangbanna dai national minority autonomous prefecture for now, the capital that jinghong. The state covers an area of twenty-five thousand sq

Km, of which nearly fifty percent for forest cover the mountains. In the dai national minority, xishuangbanna means "twelve

An administrative unit "; jinghong namely "dawn of the city"-it's history, there is an old folk legends.
Long long ago, there was a devil king after JingCheng "anshun as well as pingba" fertile land, shall take account for, and

The seven beautiful dai girl taken as his wife. People hate the Lord, seven young girl also tried to take him out.
One day, "the 7 th wife" came up with an idea. She BaZhan QuanJiu to Lord, truly the compliment,. "

You is really a great Lord ", her soft language said quietly, "you must be immune to bullets!!!! "
"What, ChaBuLi," voldemort boasted. "Only over my head pulling a hair, round me

Neck, to place me in death. "
For a while was devil king, snore blows. The young girl he pulled out a hair, round the devil king's neck,

A tight rein. The sovereign's head fell to the floor. The devil king was a "HuoMo", rolled to the head

Where in flames and sinister. The "seven wife" and all the people came to pour water, put the fire out. but

Later, they put the head thrown into the lancang river, jinghong and started the dawn. So while the city of dawn "

"A, then one thousand years, dai people" water-sprinkling festival "every year, to celebrate the demons bringing out

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 14:32

Water-sprinkling festival began Located in the picturesque xishuang banna the lantsang river, all around the green hills is subtropical thick. lanshi Surging river near south out of the country, is the famous the Mekong river. Xishuangbanna dai national minority autonomous prefecture for now, the capital that jinghong. The state covers an area of twenty-five thousand sq Km, of which nearly fifty percent for forest cover the mountains. In the dai national minority, xishuangbanna means "twelve An administrative unit "; jinghong namely "dawn of the city"-it's history, there is an old folk legends. Long long ago, there was a devil king after JingCheng "anshun as well as pingba" fertile land, shall take account for, and The seven beautiful dai girl taken as his wife. People hate the Lord, seven young girl also tried to take him out. One day, "the 7 th wife" came up with an idea. She BaZhan QuanJiu to Lord, truly the compliment,. " You is really a great Lord ", her soft language said quietly, "you

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 14:33

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