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my school trip英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-28 16:30



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 16:12

  Last tuesday we had a school trip to chimelong paradise.

  It was a beautiful sunny day. we were so excited. We took a school bus there, and we took a photo in front of the gate. Then we got into chimelong paradise. First we walked in the white tiger street. We saw many white tigers on the pillars. Then we went to the screaming zone. We rode the motorbike launch coaster. It was very exciting, and made me feel sick. Then we saw the 10-inversion roller coaster. It was terrible, so i did not ride it. We also saw a film in the 4d theater .It was very interesting. After that we went to the water world. We played driftage. We sat on the small boat. We wore a raincoats, but my raincoat was broken so my clothes were wet. I thought this game was interesting. We rode the doubl deck carousel. It was fun. Dina saw the giant frisbee. She wanted to ride it. So she went to ride it. I admired her so much. She was so brave. We ate lunch outside the chimelong international circus. We ate hot dogs, some vegetables and rice. It was delicious. After lunch we went to the splash battle. It was fun. Then we rode the half pipe. It was very scary, but we thought it was great. At last we went to the happy kindom. We played computer games there.

  We thought we had a good time in chimelong paradise. We want to go there again next time.
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