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重案六组第一部里 31集 15分钟季杰进迪厅找包子的音乐 一男一女唱的那歌

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-02 07:00



热心网友 时间:2023-11-09 04:08

《泰山与珍妮》 蛮经典的老歌啊
deep in the jungle
in the land of adventure lives tarzan
i am jane and i love to ride an elephant
my name is tarzan i am jungle-man
the tree-top swinger from jungle-land
come baby come i will take you for a swing
let''''s go honey i''''m tinkoling
tarzan is hansome tarza is strong
he is really cute and his hair is long
tarzan is hansome tarza is strong
so listen to the jungle-song
i am tarzan from jungle
you can be my friend
i am jane and i love to ride an elephant
when you touch me i feel funny
i feel is too when you are touching me
come to my tree-house to my party
yes i''''ll go if you carry me
tarzan is hansome full of surprise
he is really cute and his hair is nice
tarzan is hansome tarza is strong
so listen to the jungle-song
i am tarzan from jungle
you can be my friend
i am jane and i love to ride an elephant
go cheetah get banana
hey monkey get funky
go cheetah get banana
hey monkey get funky
when i am dancing i feel funky
why do you keep ignoring me
tarza is here come kiss me baby
coochie coochie kiss me tenderly (yes)
tarzan is handsome tarzan is strong (me tarzan)
he is really cute and his hair is long (long hair)
tarzan is handsome tarzan is strong
so listn to the jungle-song
i am tarzan from jungle
you can be my friend
i am jane and i love to ride an elephant
go cheetah get banana
hey monkey get funky
i am jane and i love to ride an elephant
and so they got funky
but will tarzan and jane
stay tuned!
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