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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-30 03:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 09:37

当我抬起我的头的时候,我被吃惊找有天空的一张吸引人的照片。 美丽的云在文章中扮演重要角色。 结果,一些主意对我的思想发生:云如何开始存在 ? 他们的不同颜色和形状预测什么?
我很高兴,因而英特网帮助了我解决问题。云被一些一点的水下降形成或者冰冻我们不能容易地根据我们自己眼睛见到的水晶。但是他们不是够强壮。因为如果他们遇见冷空气,他们将会折回对地球加水给下降或者冰冻水晶而且跌倒。 而且这是我们所称的雨或冰雹。
它是说云的不同颜色预测不同的天气。举例来说让我拿深黑色几个,它意谓它很快将会是下雨的。 如果你看见在太阳周围的红色的云开始上升 ,你 woule 最好不要出去。 它很快一定是 uwful 天气。
不同形状的云使我们感兴趣。他们也预测不同的天气。喜欢那一看起来像棉花一样,他们意谓你必须与一支伞。 当你离开你的家的时候。 对不起,我总是举例来说拿坏的。我认为被蒸发的面包将会让你感觉好很多。云的形状看起来像他们一样表示一个好的日子。
它很好笑或荒谬吗 ?但是证据表示他们是真实的。 当做一个说的华人去:"见到云,你将会知道天气。" 他们是天气的告示。 藉由科学的发展和科学器具的变化,人也能使用显微镜搜寻岩山天气数据。但是它有烦扰的有时找报告被犯一些错误。 它再表示人类不能控制自然。因此为了要住较安全的生活 , 它有必需的学习知道来自云的天气。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 09:37

clouds play an important role in the article. Consequently,some ideas occur to my mind:How the clouds come into being? What do their different colours and shapes predict?
I am so glad that the Internet helped me to solve the problems .The clouds are formed by some little water drops or ice crystals which we can’t easily see by our own eyes .But they are not strong enough.Because if they meet cold air,they will turn back to water drops or ice crystals and fall down to the earth. And this is what we call rain or hail.
It’s said that different colours of clouds predict different weather .Let me take the dark black ones for instance ,it means it will be rainy soon. If you saw red clouds around the sun began to rise ,you woule had better not go outside. It must be uwful weather soon.
The clouds of different shapes make us interested .They also predict different weather .Like the ones look like cottons,they means that you have to be with an umbrella . when you leave your home . Sorry,I always take the bad ones for example .I think the steamed bread will have you feel better.That the shapes of clouds look like them shows a fine day .
Is it funny or ridiculous ?But evidence shows that they are true . As a Chinese saying goes:”Seeing the clouds,you’ll know about the weather .” They’re signs of weather . With the development of science and the change of scientific instrument , people can also use microscope to search tor the weather data .But it’s disturbing to find the report made some mistakes sometimes. It shows again that human can’t control nature .So in order to live a safer life , it’s necessary to learn to know about the weather from the clouds.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 09:38

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