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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-13 10:12



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 21:41

  古人云:“知足者长乐也。”快乐与否关键在于心态是否正确。心晴的时候,即使外面下着雨,心情还是好的;心雨的时候,即使外面晴空万里,人还是处于忧虑之中。面对同一事物,用不同的角度看待,以不同的层次衡量,就会得到不同的结果,大多数人都是平凡的人,平凡的人总是处在比上不足、比下有余的地位。那么,那么多平凡的人为何有不快乐与不快乐之分呢?就是因为心态的差别。现在心理学越来越热门,可见心理对人生的重要性。( 书村网 www.mcqyy.com )
Some people say, why so many people are painfully alive? Maybe he doesn'thave the health, so health left more be happiness. As everyone knows, money can buy a lot of things, but money cannot buy health, health is a blessing, health value wanjin. People often because of have and do not cherish, and to have to fight. Helen? Keller; blind, but she can live a happy life, because she is yourbright light, she had her own dream, she know how to cherish life; Tai Lihua is a deaf mute, she can be happy to dance, brilliant eye-catching "thousand hand a Buddism godness Guanyin" for the people, because she understand art charm,to comprehend the art of happiness. Therefore, health is a happy thing, but the health of the soul is the golden key to open the happy door.
The ancients said: "with Changle also." Happiness is a state of mind is the rightkey. The heart is clear, even if it's raining outside, the mood is still good; mind when, even outside the blue skies, or in fear. In the face of the same thing, look at different angles, in different levels, will get different results, most people are ordinary people, ordinary people are always in the off position than poor ones.So, so many ordinary people why not happy and not happy points? Because ofthe difference of mentality. Now the psychology more and more popular, showing the importance of the psychological life. (Shu Cun network www.mcqyy.com)
State of mind also determines a person's outlook on life and values. Face thethorny road, happy people will see it as an opportunity to hone; facing the raging rapids of the vortex, happy people will see it as the manifestation of the face ofcourage; boundless desert, happy people will see it as a test of perseverance.Happy people in the face of setbacks will still smiling. Because they see the hope,they have a happy heart.
Happiness is like three meals a day. What to eat, how to eat, need a suitable diet.Happy Meals to cherish life for breakfast, with the correct attitude for lunch, to do the life of caring human dinner. How to eat, how happy, really need a good diet!
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