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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-13 09:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 18:31

Early December 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts YMCA International Training School (later Springfield College), physical ecation teachers from the school invented by Dr. James Naismith, basketball rules then only 13, Dr. Naismith 1939, died aged 78. He did not expect, from the basketball program he created even spread in the market with over two hundred countries, and so far the U.S. basketball is also known around the world. To commemorate Dr. Naismith invented basketball achievements, in the Springfield College campus built in the United States Basketball Hall of Fame - James Naismith Memorial Hall.

  At first, Naismith will not nailed two peach baskets room key body stands on the railing, peach basket of 3.04 meters above the ground along with the football game as a tool to throw to the basket. 1 point pitch into the basket, how many points decided by the outcome. After each throw into the basket, the ball out to climb a ladder again start the race. Graally after the end of the basket into living iron basket, and then hanging on to hoops below.

  To 1893, similar to the modern form rebounds, ring, and the Nets. The original game of basketball, the number of playing, the venue size, the game was no strict time limit. Just the two sides must be equal to the number of people participate in the competition. Start of the race, both players were standing on both ends of the line, referee whistle and throw the ball between pitches, the two sides ran inside the ball, start the race. The ball ran to the basket can hold the ball shot, first reach the target score the winner. In 1892, Naismith formulated 13 rules of the game, the main provisions are not allowed to run the ball, allowed a rough action, not allowed to use the boxing ball, a foul or is sentenced to 3 consecutive fouls negative 1; provisions of playing time , the second half, each 15 minutes; provisions were also made on the size of the venue. Graally rece the number of people playing games for each team of 10 people, 9, 7, 1893 for each team playing 5.

  1904 Olympic Games in 3 1 was the first basketball exhibition game. 1908 United States developed a unified national basketball rules, shifting languages and has published and distributed all over the world, so that the graal spread of basketball in America, Europe and Asia, has become a world sport. 1936 11th Olympic Games men's basketball as an official event, and the unity of the world basketball competition rules, after 10 years in 1948, the rules have been revised many times, with the existing rules of important changes are: the score after the jump ball in the circle, to loss of units outside the end line in the backcourt to match bounds; offensive team must advance the ball within 10 seconds and play up front; the ball into the front court not to return after the backcourt; offensive players not in the "restricted zone" to stay for 3 seconds; shooting team is violated, 1 hit free throws, missed shots free throws 2 second-class. 1952 and 1956 Olympic basketball competition two 15,16, there has been more than two meters, the International Amateur Basketball Federation to expand basketball court has twice the "restricted zone" (also known as "3 Division") ; also provides that a team controls the ball after the shot must be shot within 30 seconds. The early 60s about 10 seconds and the provisions of the ball returned to the backcourt, was once the 17th Olympic Games in 1960 after the abolition of the midfield line drawn sideline to change the midpoint of the suspension. 18th Olympic Games in 1964 after he returned to the midfield line, these provisions are to continue. 1977, an increase of over 10 fouls each team after two free throws when the defensive foul, anti-foul free throws when shooting are not in 1 plus 1 penalty provisions. Turn 10 in 1981, the provisions of free throws after a foul reced to 8 times. Obviously, the personnel changing technologies, the development of tactics caused a rule change, which has promoted the rule changes and technical and tactical changes in the further development. Especially since the late 50s, the rule changes on the offensive and defensive basketball game speed, the athlete's body, technology, tactics, and will, work style and so forth have been put forward new and higher requirements, promoting the rapid increase in the level of basketball skills , women's basketball in 1976 before the 21th Olympic Games as an official event of the.

  Basketball is a before and after 1896 by the Tianjin YMCA introced to China, then in Beijing, Shanghai, also have the YMCA in this activity. In 1910 was held at the National Games men's basketball exhibition games, major cities in the country, middle school basketball events graally unfolded, including Tianjin, Beijing and Shanghai in good agreement, levels are high, then Competition rules are simple, in the course of about the middle of drawing a circle 1 meter in diameter, when the center jump ball players must be placed a hand behind the waist, enough to not take any of the group. Technology is simple, after the jump ball in the circle, who received the ball on their dribbling, shooting people over defense. Only straight ahead at dribbling, passing, is a single, hand chest pass, running shot is a layup with one hand underhand, standing shot are both near and far before the lower abdomen with both hands, hands shot. 1925 years ago, the offensive and 5 defensive players, with a clearer division of labor, center of the center, back to the striker, it was marking, each pegged to their opponents. But the striker's role is just shooting attack, regardless of retreat; guard ty is just defensive intercept the ball, regardless of shooting. Forwards and running small audience, only the center to both offensive and defensive. And later graally changed to assist the two guard 1 (active guard), a person left behind after the field (fixed guard), two forwards who can become an exclusive competence to stay up front attack, quick attack, a man retreated after the field-assisted anti- . Action has also been the development of technology, one-handed running shot there, a master shot, standing shot his hands chest shot there, there was a single pass, pass the ball hit his hands, alternating hands dribbling dribble dodge appeared defensive and beyond defensive forward technology. Rules of the penalty area and the increase in free-throw line, the team fouls 4 is canceled competition and free throw by the team captain kick specify any one. Game time is divided into, the second half of the 20-minute break of 10 minutes. Each time after the vote, or throws, jump ball in the circle, re-start the race. The level of basketball in China since 1926 have been greatly improved.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 18:31



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