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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-12 10:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 11:30

Whether the people should make the maximal exercise?
Why popular extreme sports to the world,focused?Why do people's thriller,Fun to stimulate the extreme sports are not cited skin,so fascinated
An extreme sports fans in his rock-like lyrics post,the answer given:the rhythm of life faster and faster,increasing the pressure of work and living space is getting smaller and smaller,surrounding environment Worse ....
From the social dance of the 1970s,1980s disco and rock,in the 1990s to the bowling,sauna,on the one hand,Chinese people always need to find a more exciting and vent pressure to release energy,on the other hand,continue to For general stimulation,used to enjoy the feel and can not be met.
"Human nature in the embrace of the creation of a civilization,but civilization is far away from human nature." Sensitive when people in the collective mania found in the conspiracy after the fact,urban fashion group with almost instinctively out of the city,walk Into the natural dialogue in the jungle with the shortage of rock,sand and spray of their own to restore nature of a.
People to the field the other hand the modern commercialization of the sport spread.When the nature of the sport more and more money to cover up the light,doping,bribery scandals,fraud,black whistle,and so on the cover of the Olympic Movement has been brilliant,modern sporting spirit query and suffered an unprecedented crisis of confidence.
As a result,extreme sports,whether it is in Europe and the United States or in developing countries like China,have quietly become the most popular urban youth,the most lasting fashion movement,which is against the background of globalization is another landscape.
"You think of blue water between maneuvering,fighting the waves of cool,you think of the current Pentium million in Yixieqianli through,loud and strong in the stormy sea; you think about bungee jumping and rock climbing," Yue Xiang gravity,down Fuyao "The breathtaking,natural mountain than the extensive and profound,beautiful and dangerous exercise of the field,the more we can abandon the comfort of modern civilization and lazy,to reproce the wisdom,strength and joy of life?What is the survival than To better reflect the nature of man and of all things in life are shared instincts?"
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