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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-12 04:10



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 11:04

1.That day you very much receive welcome!
2.The custom has already eaten the Chinese dish? What likes eating?
3.The team already very was long has not competed, really regretted, you did not have the opportunity.
4.I also thought you already graated!
5.Later my each week all will look for you?
6.I have a big trouble: Has carried the word always cannot remember. Even if remembered had not known how should use in the dialogue.
7.But I want to converse always do not have the fault.
8.Then I if had the question to consult you.
9.Your country entered the World Cup finals, I really feel for you happy.
10.That is because of your long commander-in-chief?
11.The first days too have been cold, I guessed you certainly cannot bear? But the present has been good, later will be able warmer.
12.No, you said to them, I am willing to work as audience.
13.You are Chinese progress are really quick, you have the talent very much in this aspect.
14.Also remembered you before asks my question?
15.I study the specialty is the information management.
16.I forecast this team certainly can enter eight is strong.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 11:05

1.That you are welcome!
2. Already accustomed to eating Chinese food? Likes to eat?
3.Team competition has long been a really regret that you did not place the
4.I also think that you have graated
5.I see you every week thereafter, alright
6. I have a much trouble : they do not remember back in the words. Even in the dialogue should not know how to use
7.But I do not always want to talk more harm.
8.Then I ask you if there are problems on to the
9. Your country entered the World Cup finals, I really feel happy for you.
10.I agree because you long Marshal?
11.Ryan too, and I guess you could? But now, after more heaters.
12.No, you still talk with them, I want to be the audience.
13.You are Chinese progress really fast, you in this regard is very natural.
14.I also remember that you have asked the question?
15.I learn professional information management.
16.I predict this team will enter the final.


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