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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-11 20:36



热心网友 时间:2022-07-11 21:12

The White House is the seat of the Presidential Office, located in downtown Washington, the capital of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. North Lafayette Square, on the south by love Lipushi Park, and the Washington Monument towering sea. White House occupies a total area of over 73,000 square meters, the main building and the east and west wings of three components. Main 51.51 meters wide and 25.75 meters deep into a total of the bottom floor and the second floor of the three-tier. Bottom diplomatic reception hall, library, Map Room, Room porcelain, gold and silver ware Room and the White House personnel management office. Diplomatic reception hall was oval, is the president receiving foreign envoys and the heads of local, covered with a blue days end oval pattern carpets, clothing symbolic 50 American states signs wall hung the American landscape depicting a huge circular painting. A library of about 60 square meters, possession of nearly 3,000 books. Moreover, here there is a past president of the United States information. Map Room Collections various versions of the Atlas and the modern luxury of a 18th century drawing maps. Room porcelain collection presidents used ceramic tableware, which have imports from China are fine. Gold and silver ware showroom possession of various refined British, French gilt silver cutlery and silverware Rimmed. From the White House to the main entrance of the main building, after the door is the front marble structure, hung on the walls around the 20th century portrait of the President of the United States. East Hall, the Green Office, the Office of blue, red and the Office of the banquet hall were adjacent. Two-story main building for the presidential family a place to live. Mainly Lincoln bedroom, the Queen's bedroom, and the Office of Treaty wife of the President of the living room, the yellow Oval Office, and so on. Lincoln is Lincoln bedroom office and the convening of the Cabinet meeting room. Queen's bedroom had received the British Queen Elizabeth, the Queen of the Netherlands and other dignitaries. White House West Wing, built in 1902, East Wing, built in 1941. The largest of the rooms inside the West Wing is the Oval Office of the President, the ground with a huge blue carpet, Carpet center organized and president of the United States Emblem : Arrange 50-round, around accipiter. Office of the rear were erected on both sides of the United States flag and the presidential banner. To the south of the White House, is a thick white columns supporting clemency, a lobby positive four, next to the two. Lobby on the front is the famous South Lawn. Because the White House is look north, it became the South Lawn of the White House backyard, known as the Garden president.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-11 21:12

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