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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-09 02:58



热心网友 时间:2022-06-09 04:27

A: so do you think money can buy happiness?

B: to a degree yes

A: to a degree hmm? can you elaborate on that

B: well we all know the joy we get from extensive shopping, if you a woman, of course, or if you have any female friends im sure they will share how excited they are to go shopping. that i would consider the "purchase" of happiness with money. because in the process of shopping, shoppers obtained satisfaction in exchange for money. This is also evident when you save up for that one appliance you really want, for example, a 60 inch TV.

A: i see what you mean there, so to what degree does money no longer capable of buying happiness? perhaps when it comes to relationships and love? or when people get exceedingly wealthy they have nothing left to obtain?

B: well lets start with relationships and love. we have to admit that this world is filled by materialists, wealthy people can easily switch partners as many are simply drawn by their wealth. So money can sustain a relationship, it can provide the STATUS of relationship, even love. watch the word i used here. STATUS, not actually love. its hard to tell when relationship is evident, you can only judge based on what others say, since relationship is not quantifiable. on the other hand, when milionares or billinaires have nothing left to buy (given that they are extremely rich), they turn to charity or philantrophical work. that certainly grants them happiness. since they believe they are helping others. and the joy from that is very different from shopping for am item. personally i view philantrophical work as the PURCHASE of happiness directly.

A; so then, to what extent money is no longer able to buy happiness?
B: well, i believe its not longer to by happiness when it comes to Life and death, health and sickness, and our own existence. no matter how rich you are, you can not cure cancer, you can not buy back the souls of the dead. and THAT is where money becomes powerless.

A: thank you追问虽然只是两个人的,还是谢谢了


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