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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-28 08:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:44

Sao Paulo Museum of Art is South America's largest art museum, collections worth more than 60 million, from last year, to allow more people to a closer look at famous paintings, the museum implemented a system for free every Tuesday.

Sao Paulo Museum of Art, Press Secretary, Robert said that at present, the museum every Tuesday an increase in visitors than usual, but there has not been damaged by the audience exhibits the phenomenon, because one is building the museum visitors line up early to take into account issues , built at the entrance to the plaza that can accommodate thousands of people; two to the museum staff will remind visitors not to be too close to the exhibits. In addition, the Brazilian primary and secondary schools students to visit the museum before the organization will teach students how to be a civilized visitors.

Located in the Brazilian capital of Brasilia assistant curator of indigenous people Anna? Claudia said, the museum frequently receives applications for primary and secondary school group visits, in order to avoid an excessive number of day visitors, the Museum will co-ordinate arrangements in advance , and accompanied, as appropriate arrangements for instructors.

Claudia said that indigenous people officially opened the museum in 1999, since when the system is free. Because time is not long hall, visibility is not high, the museum traffic was 2.3 million passengers a year or so, even if the fees, ticket sales alone can not maintain normal operations. Currently, the museum purchased from the exhibits to the water expense by government commitment to Brasilia, the museum staff City Department of Cultural Affairs in Brasilia to receive salary.

Museums free of charge both advantages and disadvantages. Claudia noted with concern that, if fully funded by the Museum of government "pay", easily leading to the autonomy of the museum is not strong, regardless of the purchase or exhibition hall repairs, had to be included in the government budget, the slow approval process, which is the development of the museum constitute a considerable constraint.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:44

You and your friends if the weekend go to the science museum to watch a robot exhibition

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:45

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